Chapter 15: The Paths of the Righteous (Part 1)

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Rana Ratan Singh was furious. His piercing eyes bore into his wife and brother's wife as they stood before him in his private state room. The latter was unable to withstand the censure, although his haughty wife would never cower before him. Ratan Singh had always secretly been in awe of Suchitra. He would never exhibit that of course, and she herself wasn't aware of the exalted level of respect she commanded from the man that family, culture and her citizenship decreed her master. Yet, it was true. Ratan Singh had over the years come to love his wife with a steady and rooted regard, not born of sudden or violent passion, but forged from understanding and appreciation of qualities that would withstand age and circumstances. He had made grave mistakes, and the worst of them was his illicit liaison with a woman so inferior to Suchitra, that it filled him with the deepest self-loathing and regret. However, he was a King and an undemonstrative man for the most part. He struggled to show sentimentality and to openly express repentance or shame, but he felt both keenly. He was deeply ashamed at how far beyond his own imposing ideals he had fallen for that torrid and tawdry affair, that would be a blot on his character that he otherwise took great pride in. He had returned after an exhausting few days dealing with endless issues that plagued his beloved lands, to be faced with news of the latest scandal rocking the Palace. His brother stood by him, a steady and unflappable presence to ensure things were kept at an even keel as much as possible. Amar Singh had always been devoted to Suchitra as much as to his older brother, and had done his best to curtail the gossip, but something so big could not stay hidden. Things got heated when Ratan Singh scathingly asked why Suchitra had chosen to speak to Kalavati, especially in front of the Udawat females.

"What was I to do, my Liege? Perhaps I should have told the Saamvant's wives and our daughter- in-law to leave the chamber, insulting them by suggesting I could not deal with that creature in front of them, or perhaps you would have liked me to have Kalavati Bai escorted to a special chamber to await your return?" This caused a shocked reaction amongst her three listeners in equal measure, before Ratan Singh interjected, shaking with anger.

"Suchitra! You are crossing every boundary of decency. How dare you? Have you forgotten all your breeding?"

"I only wish I could, My King. If I were not the queen I would have done more than tell that woman to leave. I would also not be standing here being talked down to after having lived with this canker lodged in my pride for so many years. I know you wonder why I speak out now. But I am tired! Our precious child is again lost to us, and she comes to shamelessly beg more blood money and enacts her disgusting performances in my hallowed halls? I had to face humiliation this time in front of the Udawats. And she dared talk about a son of this house being a murderer and traitor. Do you know how ashamed I was? And all this happened because YOU gave that nasty courtesan the right to dare look Rani Suchitra in the eye."

Even Amar Singh looked alarmed at the turn of this conversation, and shifted uncomfortably. Surekha was morbidly fascinated, and yet petrified, staring at them as though seeing them for the first time.

"Enough Suchitra. You will not speak to me of this! It is entirely preposterous and as for insult before the Udawats- what more can she say, especially about your precious son, that they will not already think, especially given his latest stunt with their daughter?"

"I think we best leave Aaryan out of this, Rana Ji", Suchitra was irate.

Much to even Suchitra's amazement, Ratan Singh suddenly slammed his large hand down on the teak table in front of him, the sharp sound resounding in the room like cannon fire, making them all flinch.

"WHERE IS HE?" he roared. "You must know Suchitra, you must. You brought him back, swearing he was mad, which he clearly isn't. The physician who diagnosed him is conveniently nowhere to be found and no one can find your darling boy. He is not East or West, the direction he said he would go, or the one the old man thought he might. I am sure he will have told you somehow. I can ill afford to lose men looking endlessly. As it is, Jaimal and Raunak have left for North near Ehsaas Nagar of all places to look at reports of unusual activity with strange forces there. There was a time when we ran that whole area. Little things like these would not require my own sons in the past. But now, thanks to Aaryan, this is what we are reduced to."

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