Chapter 6: Unlucky Goddess [3]

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Shen Zuobi did what he was told and sat down on the opposite side of Elizabeth. He was too hesitant to look at Elizabeth so he stared at the floor.

Elizabeth on the other hand was staring at Shen Zuobi like she was analyzing him.

"Eat." Elizabeth remembered why she called him over to the table and stopped staring at and began playing with the glass ball again.

Shen Zuobi stopped shivering and sweating a little bit after knowing she called him over but he became confused on another thing.

"Um... why do I have to eat? I thought this was my spirit body, not my real body."

Elizabeth rolled the glass ball around for a more few seconds before stopping and answering Shen Zuobi's question. "Your spirit body is connected to your real body. Anything you do here will be transferred over to your real body. For example when you ran all the way over here, your real body became healthier and more in shape.

Since you fell asleep in the real world, you've not been fed by anyone yet so you should eat if you don't want to starve to death before you even start your journey."

All of Shen Zuobi's hesitation to eat before had disappeared and he began eating the food.

He ate at a fast speed. Even though it wasn't even 1% the speed of how Elizabeth ate, it was still faster than other humans from Earth. It was as though this was his first time eating in forever.

He finished his food and was about to stand up and wash the plates but before he could, Elizabeth told him, "Stop. You're considered a guest, for now at least. I'll wash the plates."

"No I can do it... Elizabeth." Shen Zuobi was still scared of Elizabeth and the tremendous amount of pressure she could put on him and she looked like she wasn't even trying her best. He didn't want to seem like someone who was incapable or something so he wanted to wash his own dish.

Elizabeth looked at him and scoffed a little bit. Shen Zuobi didn't notice because he was too busy shivering and sweating. "If I say that I'll wash the dishes, then I'll wash the dishes."

"Eee. Yes ma... Elizabeth. Thank you very much."

Shen Zuobi handed over the dishes and Elizabeth began washing them after bringing them over to the sink.

"Do you have anymore questions?" Elizabeth knew that he was still confused because obviously he didn't know anything before getting here as Earth had almost no cultivators and even those cultivators were considered as ants to other worlds.

Shen Zuobi was hesitant to ask his questions but he really wanted to know the answers to them so he began asking his questions.

"How did I get here? It's never happened before when I fell asleep. Can you tell me... if you want to."

"The other times when you slept, where were you?"

"Ah... I wasn't born yet that's why. Next question... if you want to answer another one that is."

"...say it..."

"Ok, what happened to me when I came into this... mansion, that caused me to become unconscious?"

"Oh... that was me."

"That was you..." Shen Zuobi began sweating because he was looking at her the whole time when he came in and she wasn't even doing anything other than walking. "Why did you do it?"


Shen Zuobi almost spat out blood when he heard her answer. He of course didn't know what he did that would make her want revenge on him.

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