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Shen Zuobi was reading a book silently in the tranquil classroom as the open window allowed the gentle wind to breeze across his face.

The book he was reading was not a schoolbook but rather a book that Shen had half-wittily decided to bring while getting ready for another repetitive day of school.

As he read the book, Shen's expression changed many times. Sometimes showing great interest in the book while other times he looked as though he was confused and wanted to stop there. But he kept on reading.

The reason why he did so was because although the book was rather cliche and predictable, it had many cliffhanging chapters which amused him as he felt they weren't necessarily needed.

The book truly kept Shen Zuobi deeply immersed in it. The lunchtime went by without him noticing. The book made him feel like the time going by was being slowed down for some reason to allow him to understand what he was reading.

Shen Zuobi was so immersed that when the bell rung, the only thing he heard was the chapter that he was reading coming to life.

The book he was reading was nameless. It fitted into a category of novels called Wuxia.

Shen was so immersed with the book. He ended up reading the book for so long that when Shen finally decided to look up at the teacher, he was already gone.

He thought to himself, 'Did the period already end?,' but he already knew that wasn't true because the clock was still ticking 4 which meant that his English class was still or supposed to be having their lesson.

"Hey! Are you guys pranking me? Haha so funny. You can come out now. I've exposed you all. Okay for real you guys can out."

Shen thought they were hiding outside the door so he stood up, put the open book down and began walking to them.

As he was walking he heard the wind coming from the open window growing stronger turning from a tiny gusts of wind to a continuous waves of shockwaves.

Shen began to run but halfway to the door he noticed that he wasn't getting closer instead he was going further away.

He was being pulled back to his original spot.

"What the hell is going on?!"

Shen couldn't resist the vacuuming happening on his body anymore and flew off the classroom floor.

He began flying backward 2 meters off the ground while spinning in circles.

The distance he ran became all for nothing in less than a second.

He flew on top off his desk with his book on top of it and it began sucking him in.

"Why is this happening?! I thought Wuxia plot were unrealistic! What the..."

And just like that everything became normal again. The windows shut themselves and the tables and chairs went back to normal.

Of course the book also disappeared.

A few moments later and the class returned. They all sat down on their assigned seats in the classroom and they began class again with no one wondering where Shen Zuobi was as they've never met a Shen Zuobi in their life.

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