Chapter 4: Unlucky Goddess [1]

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The white door with golden outlines and details opened up. There was a design that looked like a golden dragon that managed to catch Shen Zuobi's eyes and keep him from looking at whoever was behind the door.

He noticed that while the door was opening, the dragon seem to be flying and went from the top of the white door to the bottom.

The dragon moved around for a bit as if he was trying to find the most comfortable place on the bottom of the door and when he did, he lied down and stopped moving concealing every movement from before.

The dragon which looked alive previously went back to being a design on a door and all of the liveliness disappeared.

Shen Zuobi looked at the dragon in confusion and interest for a few seconds before he heard a voice.

"Ahem!" Shen Zuobi quickly turned towards the same voice he heard before, after remembering why he ran for a whole hour and a few minutes.

The owner of the voice was a female that looked around 24 with a height of 5'9, golden hair that was long and messy but at the same time looked very elegant like a queen, and a blue dress that revealed not too much but not very little either.

Her body could be considered as perfect if there was such a thing. Her waist was ideal and her cleavage were big and very revealed due to the dress. They seemed like they were going to rip the dress at any given moment.

Her lips were plump and seemed like it would be very nice to kiss it. They reminded him of an American celebrity back on Earth named Kylie Jenner. Although Shen Zuobi only heard of her a few times in his life, he remembered her because of her blowing up everywhere due to a viral challenge where other people would try to make their lips look like her's.

Her eyes were sharp like she was a mother hawk preying on animals for her children. Above them were eyelashes that were relatively long and were put in a way that seemed like she was purposely being erotic and trying to flirt with Shen Zuobi.

Her eyebrows was just a little thick on the side pointing towards the middle of her face but got smaller the closer to the ears they got.

The way her face was shaped was in between chubby and sharp making her look cute but also sexy at the same time.

The most interesting thing about her was her dress. It went down to the area above her knees and below the waist. The dress had no laces on top giving it the modern style that girls would wear on Earth.

The dress had a v-shape where the cleavage was and had sleeves for the arms but it didn't cover the shoulders and revealed it out in the open. Not only did the sleeves not make it look less erotic but instead it did the opposite.

The dress had a dragon going around from the back to the front, which was a little hard to see since it was also blue but since it was in a different shade, if someone took the time like Shen Zuobi did and looked at the dress really deeply then you would be able to see it.

The dress was most interesting because the dragon looked like the exact same one on the door.

The female in front of Shen Zuobi had really long arms fit for a model and legs that were also very tall. She seemed almost like an angel in the sense of her looks.

Shen Zuobi in less than 30 seconds looked at all parts of her and observed it. The female he was looking at noticed it and smirked as if it was a natural thing to do in front of her.

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