I opened the door and walked to the kitchen.

"Goodmorning love," Calum smiled.

"What the hell is this?" I handed him my journal and opened it on the exact page.

He read what I wrote and looked at me nervously.

"It's not what it looks like."

"I think it does Calum. You planned this 4 years ago!" I yelled and felt like pulling my hair.

"You'll understand later. You may think I'm a phsycopath but you don't understand right now. I promise you'll understand with time."

"I might aswell understand now because I'll the cops." I warned.

"And tell them what? That you met your husband 4 years ago but you don't remember that happening?"

"Well, isn't it illegal to get married under age?" I smirked.

"Not in some states." he stood up. "I'm not as stupid as you think I am, Elena."

A door opened and Calum quickly whispered in my ear. "The maids don't know this is forced, try to act like a wife would, please." He made a pouty face and I just couldn't resist. I had to act like his wife since I am his wife.


"Thank you," he mouted as one of the maids entered the kitchen.

"Hello Mr. Hood," she smiled. She looked like if she was in her 50's. She had the typical maid uniform and her hair has beautifully braided.

"And hello to you too," she smiled once again.

"Goodmoring Mrs. Clarkson." he smiled and shook her hand.

"The other maids will arrive shortly, do you want anything to eat honey?"

"If it's not a bother," I shyly said.

"Of course not! So now tell me, what are you doing with this charming boy?" she asked.

"She's my wife." Calum answered quickly.

"That's really surprising! Calum you made a really good choice." she smiled at us.

"Thank you." we both said.

"Welcome, and welcome to the family." she gave me a quick hug. "Now what do you want for breakfast?"

"Anything would be great," I smiled.

"Your breakfast speciality, I'm sure she'll love it." Calum grinned and walked over to where I was standing.

"Yeah," Calum hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek. I fake smiled and looked at Mrs. Clarkson.

"You two are adorable!" she smiled.

"Thankyou ma'am." Calum said.

"Where's Luke?" I asked.

"He's probably in the workout room."

"Oh well, I'm going to take a shower. Be right back." I smiled once again and left the kitchen with the journal on my right hand.

"Where the hell is the workout room?" I whispered to myself.

I kept walking through the endless hallways until I found a room that had a glass wall, and Luke was there doing weights.

I entered the room without him noticing. "Keep it up, Hemmings."

He dropped the weights, "Jesus, El."

"Sorry." I chuckled.

"So, what are you doing here?" he asked as he grabbed a towel.

I sat down on a chair and watched him put his shirt on. He has a pretty good body, just saying.

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