"No, khun Mae. How can i be an actor if i can't act?" I shake my head while still laughing.

I actually like to mingle with people. As if my old days were coming back to me in a heart beat. I can forget who i am and what i suppose to do, i can be known as a person and not just a shadow lurking in the dark. Here, i'm a person and not a property, i have the freedom to choose and have the right to reject the things i don't like.

To think about it, the more i get involved with that riche, the less freedom i get. And thinking about how much i have to give up for Phun, for our sons, for everyone i get involved with..i started to stagger.

Isn't it enough? what do i get in return of loving the man? i'm a man, i have a free will, i'm a thug, and always be a rebel. Why don't i just flee from that place and be a part of an ordinary community?

But then i remember how i love Phun. What would happen to him if i flee? He needs me. And all those time and resources he spent just to protect me, i can't begin to imagine. If he had a woman to get marry with, maybe he would do the same. He has everything needed to be the most eligible bachelor, but instead he chose me.

"Young man, can i sit here?"

I remember him. He was that Russia man, Gregory something.

"Yeah, sure."

He ordered the same thing with me, and we talked leisurely.

"What's your name, boy?" He asked me.

"It's Noh. Noh Naphat." Saying my old name is kinda peculiar. It should be Noh Phumiphat now, but in my marriage certificate it was written 'Noona Naphat' for my utter horror. Legally i'm not married to Phun. Not the 'man' me.

"Gregory Petrov. I'm Russian."

I just nod because, well, it was not a question to begin with.

"You look like someone i know, Noh." He has a rich accent and a deep voice. His built and tall body could intimidate any man near him. But i wasn't just any man, i don't get scared so easily (except for ghost. That's the end of question)

"Yeah?" I finished with my meal and about to get up. "Nice to meet you Gregory. I have to go."

But he grabs my wrist and pull me down again. I winched from the pain he caused. "Let. go.." I said.

He look at me closely, and drag the words he said. "The same eyes, the same lips, the same gesture. Could it be, you are...Mrs Phumiphat?"

I think my face drained from it's colour. I try to steel my nerve and look him in the eyes.

"You're mistaken me with somebody else. Now if you please, i have something to do." I jerk my hands away from his grip, but he wouldn't let go. Instead he brought my hand to his lips and kiss it, successfully brought everyone attention to us.

"Smack!" I hit his head automatically, causing him to let go of me and rubs his aching forehead. He smirk to my direction, with that evil smile of him.

"I'll see you again, Noona."
I wasn't effected by what happened that day, after all i have many experience in handling someone more tougher than he is. But then when i come home, Phun and his Pa were discussing something with their brows knitted together, that's when i found out that something is wrong.

"Noh, come here. We have something to tell you."

There was something in their eyes that speaks honesty. I sat down and stay quiet.

"Air was shot. He was on the way to tell me something and now he was in critical condition. Can you come with me to the hospital?"

I was so shock that i couldn't blink my eyes. He was still so young and inexperienced. Well he can be malicious sometimes but what could he had done to make them shot him?

I agree to go with Phun to the hospital after arranging the twin's accomodation from the school. Our safety was in stake, and we can't let anything bad happen to them.

Air's family was in shock. His parents, his four elder brothers, and his relatives were all there to give him support. And there he is, inside the ICU, his chest were covered in a heavy  bandage and he was unconcious with a ventilator supporting his life.

"Are you Noh? Air asked for you before he..he..." His Ma grabs my shoulder with a shaky and clammy finger. I stood there, don't know what to do. Our relationship was nothing more than a sleeping partner, a rape to be exact. Truthfully i feel half relieved that he's in that condition right now so that i won't have to suffer again. But he doesn't deserve this, he's a good man aside from his feeling towards me and he deserve to have the best in life.

"Please go to him son..maybe if it is you, he will wake up."

So i walked into his room, clad in a sterile gown, soaked in desinfectant, and go to the chair near his bed.

"Air, this is me, Noh. Goddamit, just wake up you son of a bitch!" I saw an ugly and heavy bandage wrapped around his chest, the bullet might get into something vital. I hold his hand with both of my hands, pressing on it so he knows i'm here for him.

Then i feel him squeezing me. His eyes flutters open in an agonizingly slow motion, and his eyes were wet with tears.

"Air, i won't forgive you if you die. Get well or i'll chase you to hell, you hear me?"

He nod slowly, his hands squeeze me further as if he wouldn't let go. Then suddenly he opens his hand, showing the palm of his hand. There was a cut, and it forms a letter, "Beware."

My time visiting him was over and i had to get out. Air's Ma was so nervous she almost fainted when she saw me.

"How was he?" said one of his brother. I sigh. The spirited Air was never been in this condition before so i don't know what to say.

"He opens his eyes and squeezing my hands. That's all." Everyone was sighing in relieve. His Ma was crying like a baby and his Pa was busy comforting her.
Phun and his companion was holding an emergency meeting that i can't attend this morning. It was a secret meeting anyway. The temperature's rising and they need to take precaution to protect their families. With Air's being shot, one of his brother had to take over his position.

I can feel the tense in the air, i shiver from an unknown fear. I hope we can make it alive and whole, the babies need to be protected.

"What the hell really happens, Phun? at least you can tell me. You owe me at least an explanation."

Phun looked at me with an assuring gaze. He kissed my cheek lovingly and smile his signature smile.

"Please sit down, Noh."

What he told me was no different from Brown's explanation that day. Except that now those force are infiltrating our country now. They try to take down our country secretly so they won't even need to use military force, so they had to take down the family pillars. At all cost. The reason between their action was that they see our country as one of the door to take over south east Asia region.

A (more) Chaotic Life of an ex Blue Short GuyWhere stories live. Discover now