I rolled my eyes. "Oh please" I scoffed, "Besides this baby thing you are responsible to a fault...she is having your baby for Christ's sake...you are leaving."

"HEY!" Joe's voice was booming and it immediately caught my attention, "Watch it." He warned pointing a reproving finger in my direction before Nick held up his hand to him letting him know he would handle me.

I turned my eyes back to Nick waiting on his answer. "We are still discussing it...I am hoping to convince Cat to move in here." He explained, "But even if I do move in with Cat that doesn't change anything as far as my involvement with raising you."

I have never felt more like punching my brother in all my life. "This doesn't change anything?" I mocked, "This changes EVERYTHING! Just go! I don't need you...CLEARLY I am just a huge disappointment anyway so this bastard child of yours is perfect...like a do-over."

Nick stepped closer to me, his eyes black as night and his nostrils flaring, he had definitely not appreciated me referring to the baby as a bastard. "It's not always about you CeCelia!" he yelled his fists balled at his sides as he attempted unsuccessfully to reign in his anger. For a moment I felt terrified.

Immediately Kevin stepped in between us putting a hand to Nick's chest and pushing him a few steps back from me. "CeCelia, go get your school work and clothes for tomorrow, you are staying the night with me." I stood there not moving, not out of defiance but seemingly unable to break the icy stare Nick had on me. "NOW." Kevin barked making me jump and breaking the stare with Nick, I quickly did as I was told running upstairs to gather my things.

-Kevin's POV-

I stepped up nose to nose with Nick just as I had before dinner, challenging him...begging him to move, I seriously wanted to beat his ass, he was acting like a petulant child. "You want to know the difference between being a guardian and being a father Nicholas?" I questioned...it was completely rhetorical; if he even thought of speaking I would flatten him. "When you are a father it is ALWAYS about your child." Nick looked as though I had slapped him, as if the weight of the situation had finally dawned. "Take the night...straighten out." Nick nodded acknowledging he understood my instructions as Cee came down the stairs, her bag thrown over her shoulder. Without another word we walked out to the car, she slid into the passenger seat with a sigh.

"You are upset." She stated plainly nervously fidgeting with her ring.

I nodded in confirmation, "Yes, but not with you." She let out the breath she seemed to have been holding in relief. "The way you spoke to Nick in there however..." I started, locking eyes with Cee, "While understandable...unacceptable, Understood?"

Cee nodded in acknowledgement, "Yes Sir."

I pulled out of the drive and made the short trip to my house pulling into my spot and shutting off the car. "You and Nick need to talk things out but you are both on edge at the moment and both too bullheaded to get anything accomplished right now so I'm giving you a mandatory time out...you can stay here a day or so until things smooth out a bit."

"Thanks Kevy" Cee cooed as she rounded the car and wrapped her arms around my waist in a hug.

I smiled pulling her close before placing a kiss on top of her head. "Anytime baby girl."

-CeCe's POV-

We were met by Dani as we walked through the front door, her focus first on Kevin as she scolded him for being so late without calling before realizing he was not alone. "CeCe" she said surprised, "what a pleasant surprise."

"I'm staying the night." I said simply not wanting to interrupt the verbal reprimand she was giving my oldest brother.

As usual Dani was all smiles as she darted her eyes to Kevin then back to me. "Well, I know two little girls who will be super excited to see you, they just got out of the tub they are upstairs getting their pajamas on."

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