Chapter 14: Eternity is a Moment With You (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"You need to apply something to that, Siya, and some unguent on your lip as well. Do it now."

This galvanised her somewhat.

"Are you serious? You were almost run through with a sword, hit on your head with a felling blow, and have God knows what other injuries. And you're lecturing me about the effect of a teeny weeny slap I took?"

She would never cease to amaze him, thought Aaryan in wonder. He threw back his head and laughed, his throaty chuckle making her frown in confusion.

"Only you would call a blow by a brute more than twice your size a teeny slap." Then he was intent once more, "Siya, do you know how frightened I was when that animal took you? You are incredible, you know that? How can someone so delicate be so selfless and brave at the same time?"

Siya flushed again, not knowing what to say. This was not going at all how she would expect. He seemed to be making too light of his injuries. Memories were also returning of how she had ... Siya pulled herself up short; she did not have time for this just now, especially whilst he stood there, all too handsome with that look in his eyes that she couldn't quite decipher, but was making her feel rather light headed. She covered her growing embarrassment by finding the safe topic of reminding him that she needed to bandage him. His eyes were slightly smiling, as if he knew how uncomfortable she was.

"Tell you what, you go and freshen up first, Siya, and then we can deal with bandages and breakfast too?"

"Should you not be resting, Aaryan, ermm I mean, Prince Aaryan?" Her brow furrowed; she couldn't believe how he could be hardy enough to be standing and talking.

"I think we can perhaps dispense with some formality in the titles now, Siya?" He smiled, not letting the colour fade from her face. "And the fever is down, Siya. It was mainly the blow and resulting concussion that caused the unconsciousness and I know the shoulder wound bled a lot, but you have stitched it well and it looks clean. Unless it infects, I will be fine. I have taken far worse battle wounds."

Siya wanted to believe him. Seeing him like she had yesterday had terrified her more than she had ever experienced before.

"Hmm, I will be back in minutes then. I will just bathe and come back with bandages and medicine. You stay right here, you hear? Lie down until I come back."

Smiling at her fussing, he watched her dash out as if in a race. Aaryan sat on the bed as she had dictated, resting his head back contentedly. He felt so many emotions churn through him, but he was too tired to fight the euphoric feeling he experienced; knowing it was all down to the effect she had on him. He sobered when he recalled the confrontation from yesterday and processed the implications of it with his meteoric intellect. "So we have today", he mused. He knew that despite the assurances he had given Siya, he would need today to recover enough to undertake another hard journey. The rest he had had and Siya's solicitous care had worked wonders already, but he would have to set an easy pace for today.

Siya was true to her word and bustled in again in a remarkably brief time, bathed and changed into more of her simple clothes. Aaryan made up his mind about something and wondered how to broach that with her. She meanwhile placed a range of bandages and some more of the potion she had made yesterday, along with some emollient. He knew she was discomfited with the incidental intimacy of their situation but was being brisk and clinical. Tender amusement washed over him and his eyes sparkled mischievously. He kept his gaze on her as she bandaged his shoulder and arm, enjoying her nearness and the surprising frangipani scented fragrance from her wet hair she had washed hastily, but left in glorious disarray. He obediently shifted for her to better wrap the linen around him, and noted her slightly quickened breath and stained cheeks when this brought her into even closer contact with his muscled frame. Her fingers were gentle, but shook slightly when she applied the balm to his various cuts, and he began to struggle to keep control over his all too amorous reflexes.

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