Chapter 36

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Lilly's eyes flew open as she sat up in bed awake from her nightmare. The images of her mother flying through the air had been burned into her memory. Allen put his arm around her to comfort her, "It's over. Your here with me." Lilly calmed her breathing as she eased down next to him. Just as they closed their eyes, they heard Chloe crying on the monitor. Lilly was about to get up until Allen stopped her, "I got this." Lilly sadly nodded as she laid back down. She awoke a couple of hours later and reached for Allen, but he was still gone. She eased down the hall as she tied her robe. Lilly peaked in the nursery and smiled. Allen was leaning back in an arm chair fast asleep with a sleeping Chloe tucked under his arm. He had given Vivian's scarf to Chloe so the smell of it would comfort her. Lilly eased her out of Allen's lap and laid her back in her crib with the scarf. She then covered Allen with a warm comforter. Lilly paused as tears came to her eyes when she realized her actions were exactly what her mother would have done. She knew her new role now, and just like her mother; she would die if that's what it took to keep them safe.

Allen's eyes jolted open as he felt something furry hit his face. He looked down in his lap and picked up a plush zebra that Chloe had thrown at him to wake him up.

He smirked as he looked to the toddler, "Did you throw this at me?"

Chloe chewed on her finger as she smiled and shook her head no.

He slowly eased off of his chair as he made a semi scary face and fake claws as he approached her crib. Chloe screeched as she smiled and hid her face. "Hey! Where did she go?"

Chloe popped her head out from her small hands and laughed. Allen reached in and picked her up. He kissed her as he walked to the hallway but stopped as she was reaching for something. He looked down in the crib and noticed his mothers scarf and picked it up. He handed it to her and watched as she nuzzled it to her face as she leaned against his chest and yawned. His heart was grieving for his small sister, "If we could only know what she is thinking."

Allen watched Chloe toddled into the the breakfast room. She looked around and then went into the kitchen. Lilly was in the kitchen helping prepare the breakfast.

"Mama?" Lilly turned to see little Chloe. She watched with sad eyes as she looked for Vivian. Lilly turned to Allen as he stood and watched. Chloe walked over to Lilly and looked up to her and held up her arms. She bent down and picked her up and squeezed her as Chloe leaned her little head on her shoulder. Lilly had tears streaming down her eyes as she looked to Allen for an answer, but he was looking to her for the same thing.

At breakfast, Lilly broke the news to Allen that Christopher was on his way.

Allen gave her a blank stare as he chewed his food, "What are you going to tell him?"

Lilly sighed as she signed, "I'm going to tell him the truth. That I'm in love with you and that my family needs me. I'm not going back."

"When will he be here?"

"Tomorrow. I have Luciano's funeral today." Lilly's had sympathetic eyes as she signed.

"Your not going to that funeral. It's not safe. Who's ever behind his death is the one who tried to kill you and Chloe." Allen's chest heaved as he waited for his answer.

"But, I'm his only child. I need to go." Lilly face was anger and sadness.

Allen knew she was right, but his fear overshadowed his judgment as he slammed his fist on the table, "Enough! No, and that's final."

Chloe's eyes winched as he slammed his fist, Lilly eased up from the table as Chloe's lip started to pucker out. She was full blown crying by the time Lilly pulled her from her high chair and started to carry her out of the breakfast room. Allen sat in silence until his anger boiled over. He roared as he cleared the table with his arm while ignoring the china falling to the floor. He sobbed as he leaned his forehead into his fingertips. The one person that could hold the family together was gone.

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