Chapter 11: Desert Blooms (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Siya, are you all-right? Did you get hurt? Siya! Answer me, for God's sake."

Siya furiously leaned out of the window.

"How dare you? You are going to throw stones at me?"

His eyes raked her in concern to ensure the little stone had not caught her. Satisfied, he broke into a smile that made her heart skip a little in spite of herself.

"Princess, I would never. I have been a boor, that is true, but I would never throw a stone at my friend. What could I do? I had to talk to you."

Staring at him askance, his mercurial mood swings too much for her, Siya fumbled to find words but he rushed in.

"Princess Siya, please come downstairs. I am starving and need food. You must do, too? Let us agree another truce? And please, don't you shut those shutters, or more stones will have to be tossed."

"You know what, Prince Aaryan? You can go to hell!" Siya's eyes flashed, and all Aaryan could think of was how glorious she looked when angry like this.

"You are the most insufferable, rude man I have ever met. I am no friend of yours. And I do not remember taking the role of your maid or cook. If you are hungry, make yourself some food. You should have taken a slave hostage from the Palace instead of me. I am not hungry and have no desire to spend any time in your ill-mannered company. Leave me be."

"How you wound me. These words are as sharp as that dagger you used last time. It is true, I was impolite, but surely everyone deserves the chance to recompense? Please come downstairs. And as for maid, we divvied up the labour yesterday, no? I was to fetch water as I recall, so look here."

With a flourish, he stepped aside to reveal a pail filled to the brim with water as Veer lazily nickered. Siya's mouth opened and closed, trying to find words. But he was still talking.

"Aha, I know you think this is not enough. Wait then, Princess, this Slave Prince will be back." He sharply turned to march away as Siya strained forward, wondering what on earth he was doing. He headed towards the well, within view from her bedchamber. As the pail was full, he alighted on an empty flowerpot. He dipped the container, and his strong arms made short work of pulling the rope back up. The water was soon emptied into the flowerpot and he lifted the heavy brass receptacle with ease. Looking up at Siya proudly, he blithely carried on.

"There are many pots here and you will have to say how many we will need, Princess, but please note that even slaves need food to keep up their strength."

"Stop being silly, Prince Aaryan. I am in no mood for these games." Siya pouted, trying to cling to her annoyance and refusing to let him win her over so easily.

"Well, in that case, I will keep toiling in this heat until I collapse from exhaustion. That will be on your conscience."

Siya huffed at this far-fetched threat, belied entirely by his muscled frame, and the effortless way in which he had lifted the large urn. 

"Or wait," he continued, ensuring she was captivated enough not to withdraw from the window. "I could otherwise come and break down that door? Before you get angry, Princess Sulky, I am only thinking of you. Surely at some point hunger will overcome you, and should you faint, how do I rescue you if you are locked in? Far better that I break that door; I have plenty of practice of storming keeps after all."

"Oh, so now you will resort to violence, Prince Churlish? I should have expected it!"

This only caused Aaryan's smile to widen; he would take a feisty Siya over a silent one any day.

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