Chapter 14: No Rest for the Wicked (Part 1) [EDITED]

Start from the beginning

Gabriel is taken by surprise, "Interesting." Jean returns to searching through her large duffel, "So he gave you a chance to choose who your ugear would be and you obviously chose Lucifer." Gabriel is deep in thought, "I wonder if the angels you picked up are still possible ugears since Luci hasn't bonded with you yet?" He says more to himself than to Jean.

"Aha!" Jean exclaims as she pulls Mr. Grumpy out of her bag. She turns him face up and is shocked by the uncanny resemblance to Nick. "Holy fuck!"

Gabriel slightly scowls, "Let me guess....Mr. Grumpy looks like your brother Sam."

She turns to look at him with a puzzled look on her face and a small dirty-blonde angel doll in her hand. "No. It actually looks like Nick, the man I've been kinda dating. Why would it look like Sammy?"

Gabriel shakes his head and holds out his hand for the doll, "Never mind. So you have a boyfriend now?" he asks her and his wings droop in disappointment.

"I don't know what the hell we are, to be honest with you. I really care for Nick, but I can't be in a steady relationship since I'm a hunter and he's still mourning the loss of his family." Jean tells him before reluctantly handing him the angel doll.

As soon as he sees the six sparkly hot pink wings, Gabriel's suspicions are confirmed. Lucifer's grace entered Jean through this doll, Gabriel can even feel a very small residue of Lucifer's grace inside the doll. "Jean, have you been...intimate...with this Nick guy?"

Jean's face turns red, "I don't see why that's important."

"You may not see why it's important, but it is." He waits for her to answer, but all she can do is nod. Gabriel's gaze softens and he reaches out then cups her cheek in his hand. He turns her head to look at him and strokes her cheek with his thumb. "You need to be careful, sweetheart. I know my brother very well and he's ruthless when it comes to getting what he wants."

Jean is confused, "I don't understand. Lucifer is locked away and you said he can't get out of his cage, so why are you so worried about this, Gabe?"

Gabriel's hand that's on her cheek drops to his side, "Because Lucifer's cage can be opened and when it is I have no doubt that he will head straight for you." He hands her back the Lucifer doll then tilts his head to the side, like he's listening to something. "You'll have to excuse me, sweetheart, but I believe that your brother has learned his lesson." Gabriel then disappears and for about ten minutes nothing happens, so Jean puts Mr. Grumpy back inside of her bag. Suddenly, she feels extremely disoriented for a couple of minutes, her stomach lurches, and she feels like she's about to throw up.

"Jean?!" She hears Sam's voice from behind her and starts to turn around but is prevented from doing so by someone hugging her tightly from behind. "Oh my God! Jean! Where have you been?! I've been through like a hundred Tuesdays and I could never find you!"

Jean pats Sam's arms in a silent gesture of comfort, "I'm fine, Sammy. Loki didn't hurt me. Now let me go before I throw up all over my stuff." Sam releases her from his bear hug and Jean takes off for the bathroom, heaving into the toilet.

"Loki? Wait...I had to die a hundred times in a row while Sam had to watch, but you get off scot-free? This dude's carrying a serious thing for you, Jeanie." Dean pipes up. "And since when are you on a first name basis with this dude?"

Jean scoffs as she flushes the toilet and walks out of the bathroom, "Or maybe he left me alone because I was the only one who didn't try to kill him back in Ohio." She cocks an eyebrow at her twin, "What did you expect? For me to always refer to him as Trickster and for him to call me Woman?"

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