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The next morning...

(Jimin POV)

"You just use me for fan service and then treat me like crap when you feel like it. I have feelings too Hyung and you are being cruel"

Kookie's words kept on resonating I'm my mind. It sounded as if he was admitting to liking me....but obviously that wasn't true...so what had he meant?

I had walked out the room earlier to find most of the members gone. Only Yoongi hyung was left as his train home was in a few hours. He too had gone out claiming to have some gifts to get.

I was alone...

I missed Jungkook already.

After Yoongi hyung had returned I had left the dorm to catch the train back to Busan. I could have gone back with Kookie but that wouldn't have been the wisest action...

No shit sherlock

I would be home soon and a week with my family would help me forget.

That night....

I had arrived at home a few hours back and I had been engulfed by hugs and crying and laughing. Now I had finally escaped the crazy torrent of love and pride and was sitting alone on and bench in the garden


I looked up to see my younger brother, Park Ji Yoo smiling at me.

When I first met Kookie I was instantly reminded of my younger brother who was the same age as him. I had felt a fierce protectiveness towards Kookie because of that. However , unknowingly with time, that grew to being something more than a brotherly love

"Hyung are you okay? "

I looked up to see my brother staring at me in concern. I had zoned out I guess...

"Jiyoo...If you liked someone and you weren't sure if that person liked you back what would you do?"

He seemed to think about it for a moment.

"Wouldn't you rather hide your feelings and avoid him so you can grow over it?"

Jiyoo just gave me a look.

"Aniya hyung you are a hopeless romantic and terrible in expressing yourself. How would you know whether he likes you back or not if you won't tell him? Maybe he's scared too. Maybe you both just don't know about how you feel. If you confess and he rejects you then it's that but what if he wants you to tell him first? If you remain silent you will never know"

I was surprised to hear my brother's rather wise words.


"Did you say he? How do you know it's a he and not a she??"

He smiled at me.

"Unless Jungkook suddenly turned into a girl since I last met him, why wouldn't I know?"

Even he knew?

"Just tell him Hyung....I know he loves you too. Just be the one to confess first."

He urged me on as I stopped to think about it.

"You can do it hyung "

I suddenly felt determined.

I shall tell him everything. If he hates me afterwards that's fine..It was bound to happen. I just need to tell him the truth.


Another update done guys:)
I'll update again maybe on Friday? :p
Hope you guys enjoyed it!!!♡

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