(8) I'm sorry

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(Jimin POV)

Okay so I made him mad. Maybe I took it a bit far, praising Lisa and all but he didn't have to get that annoyed. I had a right to talk good about my girl.

Why was he so pissed then?

I hadn't meant to sound annoying but I was irritated from earlier. Throughout the scary ride, Kookie had cuddled me and held me close. Then afterwards he just ignored me and went off running about with MinSoo. He forgot I was on a diet and kept making me try out food simply because MinSoo wanted to.

Well she was his girl...but still?

Just then his bedroom door opened and he walked out, following Namjoon. He ignored my gaze and sat down for dinner. I didn't eat as usual...I had to loose weight.

"Jiminah eat some ice cream at least....I had these paboos bring it especially for you guys"

I smiled at Jin hyung who was pointing to Hoseok hyung and Tae.

"Aniya hyung....ice cream will ruin my diet....Thanks though"

Jungkook looked up at that.

"What's wrong with you for God's sake it's fine to put on a few pounds Jimin"

...at least he was talking now. His tone irritated me though.

"It does matter Kookie...It's not like you'd understand...."

"Of course I wouldn't. All I know is that you are whining because you are afraid to gain a few pounds"

Okay that hurt.

Just then Yoongi hyung quietly spoke.

"Jiminah ...One ice cream won't hurt much....you can cheat your diet once a while....You look fine as you are"

Feeling comforted I decided it was no harm in trying a bit. Just as I opened a bar and took a bite Jungkook suddenly stood up.

"You don't give a shit when I say something but all Yoongi hyung has to do is say a word to make you eat and you do it? "

With that he left the room.

All the other members looked stunned.

And I was super confused.

What was that supposed to mean?

(Jungkook POV)

I had been too rude. All I wanted was to say that hyung was perfect the way he was....I ended up hurting him.

Way to go Jungkook you idiot.

I was really tired and sleep took over me.

(Later that night...)

I felt the bed dip underneath on my side. I felt someone cuddle up to me on my side. I could hear Namjoon hyung snoring on the bed on my other side so it wasn't him....


Wait...wasn't this Jimin's voice??!!!

I felt him snuggle up to my side and hug me. I stayed still. It might be a dream and I didn't want it to end.

"I'm sorry Kookie..I didn't mean to hurt you...I was just jealous of MinSoo..."

Huh?...okay this had to be a dream...

Then I felt a soft kiss on my forehead. It took all my willpower and strength not to kiss him back...not just on the forehead...

Then he left.

I was left wondering whether it all really happened.

Another chapter guys:)
I might be late updating because school is killing me:\
Bye bye !!!!


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