(3) Change my plan

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Dedicated to FaithXiong1234

(Jungkook POV)

"I KNEW IT!!!!"






The interrogation with Hopie Hyung and Tae Hyung was as weird as expected.


And sadly very unhelpful.

Unless you consider the fact I have a few good ship names for the future.

Get a hold of yourself Kookie.Sort out your possibe feelings and confess to a straight guy.Then worry about your impossible future with him.

I was so damn optimistic I wanted to cry with joy.

The two in front of me thought otherwise though....

"You know he likes you too right?"

What now?

Later that night...

So now after today's "talk",I learnt a few things

One - I was in love with a stick straight guy; Jimin Hyung

Two - said stick straight guy apparently loved me back

Three - Stick straight guy was very bendable (okay did that sound wrong?
Nope...Jin Hyung taught me to be a fetus)

Four - I was supposed to confess before those two ship sailors would do it themselves. And apparently that was so unromantic if they did I for me. (Romantic my a..I'm just a little fetus oops)

And most importantly

Five - I was still confused as heck.

Nevertheless, those two idiot Hyungs were all I had. We decided to secretly meet up with one of Tae's matchmaking friends for help.

I know...I was that desperate.

Of course Hope and Tae Hyung pretended they were going out for bowling as usual.I never said anything and fortunately everyone seemed to busy to ask...expect for Jin Hyung.

I told him I had extra classes at school.

What???I'm a teenage boy~I worry about my studies too~

(Jimin POV)

A week later...

I had often enough wondered about Kookie's sexuality.

He seemed scared of girls but that didn't make him gay did it?

Nah...I just wished.

If only he was at least bi...how easy my life would be.Atleast then I'd know I wouldn't be completely annihilated when I confessed...If I ever did that is.

He was straight.He was working out at home all the time and I knew it would only be a little time before he hit the gym.....

Was he...


Was he trying to impress a girl???

The very thought of Kookie actually dating a girl made me numb with emotion.I mean I knew he would date at one point....but actually seeing him do it....

He had gone out today.

He was always out at night these days.

Who was he with ????

His secret girlfriend???

I decided to change my plan.I needed to move on.

And I needed a distraction for that.

Another chapter complete!!!!
What do you think Jimin would do.
It'll be drastic I promise ;)
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