Chapter 11: They'd never find his body

Start from the beginning

                         "What'd I miss?" Undyne jocked softly. She was coughing louder, dust was all over her, pouring out of her mouth.

                          "Oh Undyne!" Alphys realivingly shouted. She went closer to her, her arm was resting on the back of her head.

                          "Never leave me again,". They hugged tight, Alphys made a kissing face at her, and Undyne did a return, while they were still hugging. Sudenlly, something caught them off gaurd, the T-rex roar.

                          "It's still here?!" Toriel exclaimed.

                           "No...she's still quite a far, but we need to find your friends and get out of here. NOW," Muldoon replied. They scattered around, Alphys put Undyne back in the car next to Gennaro, Toriel dashed right at the fence, and Muldoon was looking inside one of the cars for clues.

                           "You know, I did warn them this would happen," Undyne whispered under her breathe.

                           "Quit jocking," Gennaro replied, he was smirking. The pain in his leg swelled, and it caused him to flinch.

                           "Oh god my leg...I can't flippin find my god damn leg," Gennaro replied. Undyne was looking over at him.

                           "Frisk would have so made you put in a cent to the swear jar, despite that not being a swear word," Undyne replied, she looked up into the sky. Gennaro softly laughed.

                            "You have one?" Gennaro asked. Undyne nodded her head, her throat was starting to get itchy and she scratched, oddly however, it didn't stop. She felt around and she realized it was a bump on her neck, a small blister.

                            "God I'm gonna have to go get surgery," Undyne replied. Gennaro looked at her to.

                            "So am I," Gennaro jocked. He was giggling a little, while Undyne was smirking. Toriel was still running around each side of the fence, it had been a few minutes until she finally found the car off near the trees, it was barely hanging by few vines.

                            "THE OTHER CAR!" Toriel shouted, she was making a mad dash down across a slightly slippery slope downwards. Muldoon quickly turned his head to face her.

                             "Wait for me, we don't need to get left out here alone with the T-rex," Muldoon replied. They were both at the bottom by now, they were investigating the car scene, it was battered, the wind sheild was shattered all around, the wheels looked to be chewed on, and whatever had chewed it had huge teeth. She was inspecting the wheel when she found the tooth.

                             "The Rex must have been chewing on the foundation of the wheels, it was trying to rip them off," Toriel muttered. Muldoon went past her and looked around inside...a magazine, it was horendously muddy and some blood was leaked onto the pages, but it was still readable. He flipped through and reached the end, where there was a outline of sharpie, it read "Muffet".

                             "Muffet, they were in the car all right," Muldoon whispered for Toriel to hear. He looked down and saw foot steps leading into the jungle.

                              "We should go follow-" Toriel started. She was suddenly cut off from her sentance by the t-rex. She was closer, and judging by the looks from the trees up top, she was heading right to the cruiser, they both looked at each other frightened, and they both made a mad dash back.

                              "That was exactly how I could tell that this island was almost doomed to fail," Undyne replied.

                              "Jeez, that's pretty clever off you...and I heard you where a mathametician, correct?" Gennaro asked.

                              "Of course, i've been exceeding in academics since we got to the surface, guess the underground was holding back my true power," Undyne replied.

                             "Oh yes, about the underground-" Gennaro started, when he was ubruptly cut off.

                             "Ssssssssssh, I heard something," Undyne stated, hushing him. She looked down at the ground, a huge puddle of the T-rex was sitting just there, sudenlly it rippled.

                              Something had rippled it

                               "What is it?" Gennaro asked. The puddle gradeully created a more recognizable effect. 

                                "Oh no," Undyne muttered under her breathe. She could see Toriel and Muldoon running back when she turned her head.

                                "SHES BACK! GET IN NOW!" Gennaro shouted. The were gradually getting faster, but not fast enough.

                                 "COME ON GO GO GUYS! WE HAVE TO GO NOW!!!" Undyne exclaimed. When they finally made it in, and strapped their seatbelts, the tyrannosaur emerged form the brush, she roared fiercly and started to charge. Muldoon changed the gear and the car raced off. The rex was still behind their tail, the monster was getting faster, and as Mulddon looked in the review mirror, she was getting too close.

                                  "OH MY GOD! GET AWAY FROM US YOU MORON!" Gennaro shouted, he took out a pen and threw it, and as expected it did nothing. 

                                  "Don't make her angry!" Undyne shouted.

                                   "I can see why!" Gennaro shouted back. The rex came close again, it pumbled it's head right into the jeep, causing a small dent, and a horrified goat.

                                   "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Toriel screamed. The T-rex lunged in to get Undyne and Gennaro, Undyne rushed backwards and hit the pedal down, they were going slower.

                                    "GET OFF THE STICK! BLOODY MOVE!" Mulddon screamed at her. Toriel looked infront to see a huge tree branch sticking out.

                                     "DUCK!" Toriel shouted, she and the others swiftly ducked under as the T-rex crushed the tree branch almost to easily. She was still continuing at a steady pace, despite her size.

                                      "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM US!" Undyne shouted loudly. The Tyrannosaur's response was a threatning roar, and it worked, Undyne was wide eyed and she stared right at her eyes. They were rugged yellow, and it looked a black ball was staring back as the pupil. Finally, the T-rex lost her breathe, and slowly went off to the side, and started heading west. Toriel and Muldoon were relieved, and Undyne slowly started to drift back to her normal self.

                                      "You think they'll have that on the tour?" Gennaro jocked. As they lept across the dirty road, they could still here her threatning roar, off into the distance. None of them moved a inch, and it stayed that way all the way back.

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