I hid my face in his chest as I heard him chuckle.

"How about we go for a run." He asked. I moved away from him so fast smiling saying yes as I turned to run behind a tree I was grabbed and pushed up against the chest of my mate. "Don't jump away from like that." Dextyn placed his head in the crook of my neck inhaling my scent.

" babe I'm sorry but I really wanna go for a run, so can you let go so I can go change please." I apologized to him knowing his wolf didn't like me jumping away from him.

"Why don't strip and change here." Dextyn whispered in my ear making me shiver. My wolf purred at how close our mate was to us. She like the idea of us stripping in front our mate. She started sending images of what we should be doing with our mate right now making me blush. I cut off our link before she could do anything else.

I looked up to a smirking dextyn as he looked at me.

"You should do the thing you were just imagining about us doing babe." Dextyn said a full blown smirk on his face.

My face went red at what he said. "What! How." I said to him. "You didn't block off our connection. Since I marked you I could read your thoughts babe. Let's just say some of the thing you thought had me..." I place my hand over his mouth keeping him from saying anything else.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." I said horrified that he read what I was thinking. I felt wetness against my hand making jump back.

"Did you just lick my hand." I said as I wiped my hand on my pants. "Well if you didn't  put your hand over my mouth that wouldn't  have happened now would it." He said smiling.

" I'm going behind a tree and changing."I said as I walked to a near by tree. I stepped out of my clothes as I felt my body begin to change into my wolf form.

I walked from behind the tree to see my mate sitting in the middle of the meadow in his wolf form. His midnight black wolf looked around the meadow til his eyes landed on me.

I trotted over to him nudging him with my head. He looked at me nudging his head against mine. I stepped back wagging my tail ready to go for a run.

I couldn't  mindlink with my mate til I could mark him. So I had to motion to him that I wanted to run. He sat there looking at me as i sat down looking at him. I jumped up nipped at his face then I took of in a sprint toward the trees. I heard a low growl from my mate as I felt him chase me.

He was an alpha so he could catch up to me easily. I felt him nip at my back legs making me run faster. I looked be hind me to see my mate close behind me. I gasped inwardly as I looked at my mates eyes. Long gone were the silvery grey eyes of my mate, black  eyes looked  back at me indicating that his wolf is in full control.
I felt my wolf wanting to take over so I let her.

Running all around til I made it back to the meadow. I turned to look at my mate but seen that he was gone.

I stopped running looking around for dextyn. I sniffed the air to see if I could catch his scent but I got nothing.

I wish I could mind link him to ask where he was. To deep into my thought I didnt notice a wolf coming at me til it was to late.

The wolf pounced on me knocking me of my feet and into my back. I growled at the wolf ready to fight when it decided to lick my face. I looked up at my attacker to see none other than my mate.

He shifted back into his human form. "Shift." He said in a deep voice. I shifted looking at my mate. His eyes darkened as he looked at me. I forgot that I was nude. I wrapped my arm around my chest to cover my breast. I place my other hand over my lower area. Dextyn growled as he walked towards me. I looked at my mate taking in  his naked body. I blushed as I looked lower on his body.

I gasped as I looked at my mates lower body my eyes locked on his huge manhood.

"Keeping looking at me like that and I'll finish the mating process right now." His words having an effect on my body as I thought about us mating. Hearing his low groan I felt him grab me pulling me up against his body.

His manhood pressed into my stomach making me moan. " Don't hide your body from me." Dextyn said as he kissed my mark. I moaned.

Standing on my tip toes I pulled Dextyn's face towards mine placing my lips on his. He pulled my body up against his deepening the kiss. I broke away from his lips kissing along his has towards his neck.

After finding his sweet spot I sucked and nibbled on the spot where I will mark him at. I felt my canines extend nipping at the spot. Hearing his low sexy groan I bit into his neck marking him as mine. I pulled my mouth from his neck my teeth gong back to normal as licked his mark healing it.

I kissed his mark then his jaw til my lips were at his ear.

" Now your mine." I whispered into his ear.

My Mate Is The Alpha KingWhere stories live. Discover now