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Jin pov

Its getting late so I went home after having a lot of conversation with Yoongi. When I open my door I expect namjoon but it is a man with blond hair.

"Urm..who are you?" I asked. "Don't pretend like you don't know princess. Hmm well since you ask .. my name is Jackson."
He said. "well I don't know you and why are you in my apartment. Is namjoon your friend? And don't call me princess." I said with anger on my face.

"Aww so cute princess well today is your lucky day cause your ass gonna be mine tonight." He smirked at me. "wa-wait what do you me-mean? Are you crazy?! Get out from my house you bastard!" I shouted at him, but got a punch from him and he pinned me down. "Listen princess your husband joonie sell you to me. He said I can fuck you today, and i'm not gonna waste my money. Now listen to me and don't try to run away." "Jo-joonie said that?.. stop lying you asshole. Namjoon loves me. Let me go before namjoon sees you. You don't want to get punch by him asshole." I barked at him. My joonie wouldn't do that. He loves me. Is he?

Then I hear footsteps "hey namjoon." Jackson said like he done nothing wrong. I smiled at my joonie. "Joonie help me this asshole said you sold me to him. And I kno-" I stop talking when Namjoon smirk at me "take him Jackson oh and don't forget to bring him back." I'm shock. "w-what?! Namjoon no please. You're jo-joking right?! Please please namjoon don't do th-this to me" I cried but he just look at me like i am a piece of shit.

"Thanks bro." Jackson grab me outside but before he can I bit his hand and kick his cock I run as fast as I can. I can still hear him yelling my name but I don't dare to look back so I keep running.

I'm lost. I can't believed namjoon did this to me. I keep on cry and cry until I feel numb. How could he. I only ask him to love me back like how much I love him, but its all bullshit.

After a long walk I decide to call someone.

And that person is someone I really trust.

Someone that was always there for me.

"Yoongi-ah...help me."

I deserve it (Namjin/Yoonjin)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora