I hadn't moved since last night. I hadn't slept, either. I just sat there, thinking about nothing and everything all at once, my emotions evading me.

Suddenly I heard something vibrating: my phone. I removed it from my pocket and flipped off the ringer, not even looking to see who called me. I then heard Emma shout from the next room, "Oh I know you did not just ignore my damn call." Shit. "Open up, Iero. Or I'll pick the damn lock."

Sure enough, I didn't move, and I soon made out the sound of metal on metal moving inside the knob, and then Emma opening the door triumphantly.

"Iero," she stared at me on the ground, "the fuck?" She gave me a bewildered look. "When I fucking call, you fucking answer. Got it?" I stared at my shoes. "Dude, what's up? You okay?" She sat down next to me and tried to meet my gaze.

I remained unmoved, staring down at nothing. I couldn't tell her. She wouldn't understand. No one could understand.

"Did something happen with Gerard? What's going on, Frank?" She prodded, but with no answer. "Okay... Well I'm right next door if you want to talk. I'm always here for you." She left after that, leaving me alone once more.

Perhaps I shouldn't care so much, especially since I should've known me and Gerard were doomed from the start. After all, he was older than me, I'm still in high school, and oh yeah, he's a goddamned vampire. I never should have met him. I never should've fallen for him. I should've ran the moment I laid eyes on him.

But I didn't.

And now I'm broken. Just when I thought I was going to be able to be fully alright, I get broken again. The person that I gave up virtually my entire life for, broke me.


I didn't really leave the orphanage after that. I couldn't. I stayed cooped up in my room, waiting for something I knew wasn't going to happen. But I stared at phone and my window anyway. Hoping, needing Gerard to just call me, or text me, or show up in my room and say that everything was okay. That he still needed me as much as I needed him.

But that never happened.

Eventually I had to go back to school, and I did. I went just to get my mind off of things. I needed a distraction, and that's what school and my friends gave me.


"Iero," Brendon waved his hand in front of my face, "snap out of it dude. I know it's rough, but it's been almost a month. C'mon. Gimme a smile. A real one." He coaxed. I gave him a short grin and he backed off a bit, but afterwards I just slumped my shoulders back down and continued to push around my school lunch 'mashed potatoes'.

I looked in the distance and saw Dallon walking towards our table, but then he just walk passed and stared straight ahead the whole time. That was weird. I hadn't seen much of him since I'd been back, but I figured we'd still be friends.

"Hey, what's up with Dallon? Who pissed in his cornflakes?" I asked jokingly.

"Oh..." Ryan pursed his lips, "while you were gone he tried to make a move on Brenny." He spat.

"Yeah..." Patrick spoke softly, "it ended with Ryan slapping him across the face."

Pete chuckled and nudged Patrick to look at the growing blush on Brendon's face. "Someone's blushing..." They said together.

"Oh shut up..." Brendon muttered. "It was really nice that Ryan claimed me as his and defended me and goddamn it was hot as hell."  He smiled as his entire face burned bright red.

It got quiet after that, all of us just sitting enjoying eachother's company. Especially, it seemed, Pete and Patrick, who had gotten pretty close to one another.

I smiled, a real smile. Because even though my 'family' had abandoned me, I had them. And they were the best family I could have asked for.


Gerard's P.O.V.

I slipped through his window and waited, watching the man I loved more than anything sleep peacefully. He was so beautiful when he slept, just him in his natural state. Just existing. I'd give anything to be able to sleep next to him.

Suddenly he stirred, reminding me of what I was here to do. I had to break his heart, and my own in the process.

I cringed as I felt the envelope in my hand. But I had to do this while I still had the chance; I had to do this while I was still in control. I felt a tear slip down my cheek. This was for the best. It had to be.

I watched as he twisted about, eventually sitting straight up and glancing out the window. Could he see me?

Hopefully not, that would only make things harder. I masked my voice as best I could and forced myself to give him the letter; it was the second hardest thing I'd ever had to do. Losing Mikey was the first.

I flung myself out the window as quickly as I could, holding back my tears as I tried to force myself to keep looking ahead and not glance back at the boy I cared about so deeply. But I couldn't help myself. I turned, just as I felt myself start to be overtaken by my own darkness, I met Frank's gaze.

Time seemed to freeze, though I had only looked for a split second. I could physically feel my heart breaking as I stared into his beautiful soul, knowing I could never be a part of his life how I had been before. I shut my eyes and dissipated, something I had taught myself to do in order to move faster and not be seen. And then I left.

I went home. I sat in my room. Fighting the urge to run to Frank and tell him we could figure things out, because I knew that we couldn't. And it was my own fault. It had been less than a day, and I already missed him more than life itself. A felt a tear slip down my cheek, realizing that I was completely alone once more.


Here's another chapter for you lovelies

Thank you to those who responded to my last a/n, I will be leaving my opening chapters as they are. It is nice to be able to see the line of progression as I've gone along

As for this book, as you can see, there is *gasp* things happening *crowd oooo's*

So actually I think this book is closer to an ending than I thought it was, because I know the ending I want (it's actually how the idea of this book came to exist) and I actually came up with kind of a plot line to get there so yay :D

There's still a few chapters left, don't worry, but I can't give you an exact number at the moment.

But it seems like I'm out of my writing slump so you can probably expect another chapter later this week at some point

Oh and once I finish this book I'll go back to working on my book Love Is A Liar's Game, so if you like my writing style, that can be another frerard for ya to read.


Merci pour le venin...

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