'Yes ! See... ' Ananya grins giving her phone to Deepika

'Man I wish I had your parents... ' Deepika says and Ved chuckles

'Shut up...' Ananya huffs

'Are you done with today's assignment ?' Deepika asked

'What Assignment....' Ananya exclaims

'I thought you know,  I was about to copy yours during lunch break, before submission !' Deepika says

'There is no assignment !' Ananya panicks

'There is Madam... Krish told me, yesterday.... ' Deepika replies

'Your boyfriend is lying okay !' Ananya huffs

'Hey ! He is not my boyfriend...' Deepika says in disgust

'You two are unbelievable !' Ved says

They were about to argue further, when Ved's phone rang...

'Both of you keep quiet for sometime, Let me talk to my friend... ' he warns them and they nod

His phone was connected to their Car's stereo system, so now all three of them could hear what the other person will say...

'Aayan... ' Ved smiles

'Hey Man ! What's up ?' Aayan replied

For some reason Ananya's heart started beating frantically, she was surprised by her own body's reaction just by hearing some stranger's voice...

'Nothing bro, heading towards office...What about you...' Ved replies

'Okay... even I am going to my office, I wanted to ask something... ' Aayan said in a serious tone

Their chat continued and both the girls were silent...

Ananya took a deep breath to calm herself down, she was unable to comprehend what was happening...

She turned to see Deepika, who was perfectly okay, staring at Ved in awe,  she snapped her fingers breaking Deepika's trance, who just blushed...

Deeps is perfectly fine...
Why am I getting anxious...
Is it because of the assignment...???

Why do I feel I have heard this voice somewhere..... Ananya thinks

'How is Dad's health...?' Aayan asks

'He is okay... Papa is bringing him to our house today...'

'Why ? Where is Nitaara ?' Aayan asks

'Nitaara di is going to Mumbai for some work... So Ananya insisted to bring him home, so that she can take care of him, properly ... ' Ved replied smiling at Ananya..

'Okay...' Aayan says

Ananya frowns at this...

No acknowledgement ? Nothing...

'Anyway I've mailed you some verification documents for firm registration...  Just have a look at them and tell me, whether they are correct or not...  I have to submit them tomorrow morning.... ' Aayan's tone gets professional

Ananya is shocked with this transition
Won't he visit Bade Papa ? She thinks

'Yeah I will.... But listen, won't you visit... ' Ved says

'We had this conversation before Ved, and we are not having this worthless talk again... ' Aayan replies in curt dominating tone

Ananya didn't like this...
Even Deepika had her attention on this mannerless stranger....

Ved doesn't reply, he just sighs...

Ananya hated Aayan's tone of talking with her brother and about her Bade Papa...

Ved was about to say something, when Ananya cuts him off

'I don't think visiting your ill father, will waste your precious time mister...!' Ananya replies curtly

Now it was Aayan's turn to become silent..

'Ananya !' Ved scolds her

'What...?  Am I saying something wrong Bhai ? How can he say that seeing Bade Papa is worthless...!' Ananya says angrily

She is still the same...
Irritating as hell... Aayan huffs

'Ananya calm down....' Deepika says

'I will call you later, Ved...!' Aayan replies and hangs up

'Listen ! Aayan... ' Ved says but line goes silent

He glares at Ananya,  who just huffs..

'You really forget your manners sometimes... ' he says

'No one talks about my Bade Papa like that... ' Ananya huffs

'Bade Papa is Aayan's father, he can say.... ' Ved begins

'Whatever Bhai.... ' Ananya dismissed the discussion

Ved huffs and their rest of the drive is silent...

The car halts in front of the college and Ananya walks out of the car, without uttering a single word..

Deepika climbs out of the car and smiles at Ved...

'Thank you for the lift, Ved...'

'See you, Deepika... ' Ved smiles putting his glares on and drives away

Deepika sighs heavily and walks towards Ananya...

Ananya who is engrossed in thinking,  doesn't notice Deeps's arrival...

'Have I ever told you, that Ved is soo hot... ' Deeps said dreamily

'Eww... Deeps ! He is my brother...' Ananya says disgusted

'Wahi to problem hai na or else I would've asked him out... ' Deepika sighs

'Don't waste your time on him... I don't think he is interested in girls... ' Ananya huffs

'Still angry on him because of that guy...?  Who was he anyway...?'

'He is Aayan, Bhai's best friend & Jai Papa's son....' Ananya says irritated

'Okay... Your childhood friend I guess...?' Deepika says

'Pleeaasee.... Aayan ? My friend ? Never !' Ananya huffs

'He had a sexy voice though... I bet he is handsome... ' Deepika says in teasing manner

Exactly ? His voice !! I have heard his voice somewhere....

'I don't know, when I was 8, he and Ved bhai were sent to boarding school... So, I don't know, how he looks like....' Ananya replies uninterested

She was still trying to remember where he heard this voice...

'Bad luck then...' Deepika pouts 'But Ved is.... '
And continued her ranting about Ved

How is Dad's health...?
We've had this conversation before Ved...

I bet, I have heard this voice somewhere... 
That too from very close distance...
Who is he...? 



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