Chapter 1

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~ Chapter 1 ~

~ Few months later

'Shit! ****! ****! It's hot! Why the hell am I always the one waiting? This bastard ... what is he thinking again? Arghh ... I can't believe I agreed to this! This is a disaster!!!'

Takaba moaned in desperation and took his head in his hands. He was sitting on a plastic bench in the middle of Tokyo Airport waiting for the only man he couldn't handle. The people around him were passing by in their frantic manner and he felt like the only unmoving spot in the whole perimeter. His chest was lifting up and down and he was trying to find a reasonable solution to the whole situation. The terrible fuss all around him didn't help at all. He winced and tried to catch his breath. There must be a logical cause for all this. It couldn't be what he was thinking. Never. Never with this very man!

- "You look even more miserable than usually. Do I happen to have something to do with it?" Takaba startled and looked up. His eyes trailed the sight of the shining black shoos ... the flat pants and the Schick jacket to meet a pair of non-penetrative sunglasses covering a pair of dark piercing eyes he so well knew. Behind the enticing figure two black-suited guards were standing tall ... throwing estimating looks all around the place.
- "A-sami!" He jumped on his place when the very man ruling his thoughts stood in front of him in all his might.

- "The same!" The man lifted an eyebrow teasingly. "Do you plan to stay there all day?" The dark-haired man threw the line at him from behind his shoulder without even turning back while graciously heading for the check-in.
- "Ah – yes! I mean no!" The blonde jumped from his place shouldering his rucksack and hastily fallowed. He was at a complete loss of words this time. Something that didn't happen very often. He was looking at his feet ... lost in thoughts ... when he bumped in Asami's broad back. The man turned ... his long fingers on Takaba's chin ... lifting it up a bit.
- "And close your mouth! Or do you perhaps long for me to assist!" The man leaned down breathing the words on the blonde's sensitive lips with his wicked victorious smile.
- "No!" The boy jumped on his place backing a bit ... his whole cheeks flushed red. His traitorous imagination had just shown him the scene of Asami probing his mouth with his bold tongue in the middle of the busy airport. 'One week ... in London ... all alone with this lustful person!!! Ohh Gods ... this really is a disaster!' The boy sighed quietly and tried to avoid the black eyes piercing through him from above.

~ Two days ago ...

- "Call the investors! Make sure everyone's there on time. Make Kouga talk to all the accountants and prepare for me a copy from the Kagoshima deal! I want it to be done till Tuesday! Make him!" Asami ordered and flapped the phone closed just to open it again because it rang at the very same time. "Kagura ka? No! I'm not interested in his little schemes! I want the work done in time. A cheap bastard like him could only ask for two million! Don't waste my time with such insignificant things!" His tone barely rose at the end of the sentence when he flapped the phone closed yet again and searched in his pocket. He took out a cigarette and clicked the lighter. After taking a deep draw his eyes finally focused on his surroundings to spot bewildered Takaba sit next to him with eyes wide open.

- "Do you ever stop?" The boy asked with sincere curiosity and no mock in his tone.
- "In my world you can't afford to stop. If you do you're dead! Or what could be worse – out of the business!" He took another deep draw ... the corner of his eyes still following the boy next to him. The second had rolled his eyes at the statement and was now making a bubble with his chewing gum. "But of course a brat like you could never understand it!"

- "Who are you calling a brat?" Takaba jumped on his feet ... now threateningly waving a finger in front of the unshakable man. "You're really pissing me off with your attitude! And after I tried to be patient and do my best to get along. You're still treating me like a kid you ... perverted bastard!" He shouted the last frustrated ... ignoring the curious looks he was drawing to himself. "What's your problem? You and your ****ing superiority complex!!!" A strong hand grabbed him for the belt and pulled him down ... forcing him inevitably to launch himself on Asami's lap.
- "I'm treating you like a kid because you're acting as such! When you start behaving a bit more like a grown up ... I'll take back my words!" Asami spoke on Takaba's flushed cheeks. The boy was still straddleling him in the middle of Tokyo station. "You can stop shouting for a start! Learn from me! You can hear me just fine like that, can't you?" His lips closed to the boy's ear and his hot breath sent a shudder down the blonde's spine.

- "Where do you think you're touching ... you hentai? Can't you see where we are?" An agile hand had traveled the short distance to his tight bottom and was now adjusting him more comfortably without the slightest hint of uneasiness from the tents of eyes pointed in their direction.
- "There is nothing wrong with holding a child on your lap, is there?" The wicked smile cracked again and a flush of pink nestled on Takaba's cheeks yet again.
- "Damn you!" He jumped as if stung and tried to look wherever else possible but not at the two laughing eyes at the front.
- "That's why I say you're a brat!" Un unsusually soft voice reached his ears but when he turned Asami was already walking away. "The train is here! Move ... I don't have all day!"
- "Che ...back to your shitty self in no time ... eh?" Takaba winced and followed on a hand long distance missing the old man's devilish smirk.


- "Remind me once again ... why am I doing this?"
- "Because ... you promised ... Mr. Great Boss!"
- "Ahh ... yes!"

Asami wrinkled his forehead and shot a deadly glare to the grumpy passenger sitting next to him. He and Takaba were in the subway heading for the far end of the city. The man was still trying to remember in what kind of an inadequate state he had actually been to accept the idea of going where ever with the public transport. All fault could be blamed to the grinning boy in front of him. Takaba had insisted on taking him round town in a manner 'normal people do' ... as he had said it himself. Now they were both sitting in the cramped carriage and it was a miracle all by itself that there was actually a place to sit.

The doors opened and closed again and a new mass of people entered. Takaba suddenly jumped from his place to make way for an old man to sit there. He took the handle of Asami's seat and stood tall next to him. Apparently the boy was perfectly well used with the whole situation because he didn't seem to mind the limited personal boundaries in the tight space. Asami though thought otherwise. He could perfectly well see the bodies pressed to the blondes' sprained back. A shoulder pressed to a shoulder ... breath reaching silky skin ... fingers brushing ...! Asami suddenly jumped on his place. His hand found its way to Takaba's waist and he abruptly pulled him to himself moving the both of them to a corner.

- "You say that normal people move this way? I'm starting to wonder who the normal one here is!" He shot death glares to the bodies still in contact with the boy's.
- "Well sometimes it happens ... like this!" Takaba breathed hard when he suddenly found himself pressed to Asami's wide chest. His hands were squeezing the sides of the black suit trying to keep his balance in the moving train and he could feel the man's breath in his hair. He was starting to get hot and it wasn't from the squeeze. The cart stopped and someone bumped into him. Suddenly the boy sank even deeper into the hard chest when Asami's hand enveloped his shoulders and held him tighter.
- "You're going to pay me back for this ... ten folds back!" An irritated voice flew from above and Takaba managed to hide his grin in the collar of the man's perfectly white shirt. There weren't many things that could get on this man's nerves. He felt devilishly happy that he had found one – crowds! Or so he naively thought! Suddenly a whiff of the strong masculine scent penetrated his senses ... his nose still buried in the silky fabrics ... and he didn't even notice when he had closed his eyes.

~ to be continued

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