Chapter 19

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~ Chapter 19 ~

It was warm. Quiet. The rhythmic sound of breathing brought peculiar tranquility to the surroundings. The sun was long gone on its way through the horizon and the streets were busy in their frantic struggle. For the two bodies pressed together into the lightly dimmed room the hassle from outside was like a different world.

Takaba stirred in his sleep and pressed even closer to the firm chest at his front. His nose was nuzzling the crook of a man's neck ... one hand pressed to himself while the other caressed slightly the other's flat abdomen. Asami was not much different with his entangliness with the blonde. He was breathing into fine locks of bright hair while his right hand served as a pillow for the very locks and the left was possessively holding a thin waist ... pulling it to himself and making the lithe body fit into his curves perfectly.

The blond puffed and stirred again. His eyelashes lightly flickered and soon revealed two bright eyes glazed with so much needed sleep. The boy blinked emptily a couple of times before understanding crawled into his orbs and he was soon to close them tightly shut. Memories like thin threads of the silk surrounding him started to sneak into his still fuzzy mind. He'd definitely need some time to rearrange everything that had happened last night. Or to be more precise - everything that had happened until just a couple of hours ago for Asami had kept him wake till the first brims of dawn had started to crawl into the dark sky. He continued to keep his eyes tightly shut and tried to hold up from squirming when the memory of the previous evening cleared more than he wanted it to.

So much had changed over a night. It was not as if words were spoken or pledges were made. No. The only thing that was different was his own understanding about his own feelings. But to him ... to him it made a world of a difference. And that difference was what kept him still snuggling into the other's embrace. It was not his first waking up in such a position. He could name at least ten times when the circumstances hadn't been much different and what was more – his reaction to the circumstances had been all too similar as well. He would jerk away, blush like mad and storm out shouting or simply fleeing speechless. Well ... he was still blushing like mad but there would be no running and no shouting today. Well ... he couldn't be all that sure about the shouting but there was definitely a change. And that, he thought, was quite an improvement all by itself.

Takaba tried to move oh so slightly and looked at the man's sleeping face. Asami was breathing quietly into his hair ... his every intake calm and measured. Another picture that reminded of so many previous ones. The boy studied the familiar face and tried to think of how was anything different now. It was true that he had acted very much not like himself last night and there was no way the other hadn't noticed that. It was Asami that we were talking about here after all, he snickered in his mind. The problem was – was the youth going to deny it in the morning and blame it all on the champagne and the long day or ...

Takaba sighed. There was no turning back. It had taken him too long and too much to come to some kind of equilibrium with himself. There was only one way he had ever believed worth following and it was forward. He finally felt again that he knew what was right and what was wrong. It was not like his ideas had taken a drastic change. He was still going to fight for his ideas ... for his dreams and believes. He was going to do it even if it was the man holding him who stood on his way. This man was way too acumen to allow the youth another change of mind. The boy could kind of feel it this time. There was an end to actually how stubborn one could be. He couldn't always make one step forth and then move back with two. There was no way Asami would tolerate that for much longer. Of course it was obvious that the demon was enjoying Akihito's inner struggles and most of the times found them irritatingly amusing. But it was also obvious that his patience would run out at times and even though he rarely showed it a look of his could be baleful. And ohh yes the youth had suffered those looks and they were not to be underestimated.

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