Chapter 15

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~ Chapter 15 ~

The lavatory's door soundlessly shut behind Asami's back and he regally entered the bright hall. Just before the hinges clicked fragments of curses from the smaller room trailed to his ears. His grin widened and he had to force himself to suppress it when people started gathering around him yet again. Fortunately the biggest fuss had already passed and he could easily handle the smaller group of people that were paying him their respects at the moment. Everyone was now mostly taking a walk round the paintings. Some walked silently immersed in the pieces of art, others found great pleasure in sharing their opinions ... be it either wanted or not. This was just a private party after all. The grant speeches and the flashing photos were left for two days later at the official opening.

- "I have no doubt that it is going to be a perfect success! It already is!" A lithe and freakishly tall man spoke to Asami's right. The dark-haired had already plastered his usual expressionless face. There was no need of false smiles and dolled up manners any more. He was too tired for that and he had no plans whatsoever of aimlessly chatting with another flabbergasted guest. "Mr. Asami I can't help but be curious! We've all known of his talent for years. He's already more than famous! Why did you postpone his official debut for so long?"
- "Yes! Many have been wondering about that ... including myself!" A petite woman pushed up her thin-framed glasses. She now looked up expectantly towards the host who was towering over her with his enviable proportions.
- "Really?" Asami couldn't help his lopsided grin. The simple word was drenched in irony. Forget the face smiles ... he was now contemplating if he would be able to restrain his tongue and not make anyone cry tonight. The little woman was called Marsha Evans and the tall man Enrike Ureda. Both of them may be had us many connections as he did and had remarkable sense in what they did for which he almost ... hmm too strong of a word ... nearly respected them but they were the biggest gossipers London could ever know.

- "You laugh at us Mr. Asami and you don't appreciate the struggle we've been through!" Marsha put a hand on her chest and sighed deeply managing to feign a perfect tortured expression. If there was one innocent soul around they might have believed her.
- "The struggle you've been through ... ooor the struggle the 'Daily Express' has been through because you couldn't write your article sooner than that?" Marsha's eyes snapped open and met the cunning ones at her front. Those endless black orbs were smiling at her with their most sincere demeanor while the little laughing flames never stopped playing there. Asami enjoyed the sight of her silently fuming face and didn't even attempt to hide his now sinister look. Marsha was doing her best to hold her tongue behind her teeth at the sight of those mocking eyes. She had always been afraid of that unpredictable mordant man and she just remembered why she hated him so much. Apparently the last was mutual.
- "You haven't really answered even one of our questions tonight Mr. Asami! You just love to torture us!" Enrike showed a pained expression himself oblivious to the struggle the woman was passing through while the coal eyes continued to burn her but mute sarcasm. The Japanese was now gracefully twirling the translucent liquid in a tall glass of champagne. He was a sight to behold with one hand in his pocket ... the other playing with the shimmering object while surrounded by plane figures that only underlined his heavenly look.

- "If Ryuichi didn't love torturing ... who would?" An unfamiliar voice interrupted from behind and Marsha and Enrike curiously lifted on their toes to see who it was. Asami did not even flinch. He knew that voice. Right now it almost cost him an effort not to turn around and grab the intruder by the throat. Almost. Of course it was left only as a fleeting thought. The times he had actually snapped in his life could be counted on the fingers of one of his hands. He was nowhere near scratching another finger tonight. A tall well build figure stepped next to him and an elbow rested casually on his shoulder. Two brilliant blue eyes looked into coal cold ones.
- "Ahh!" Marsha exclaimed in recognition. "You're Kasumi Takeshi! You're the one escorting Mrs. Rawson tonight! Ohh I really wanted to have a word with you. She's so hard to approach let alone talk to! I can never catch her for an interview!" She complained with a shake of her head.
- "If you would be doing the chasing I would be dead fast to run as well!"

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