Chapter 28

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~ Chapter 28 ~

It was past one o'clock in the afternoon when Takaba found himself frantically searching for something to wear. The bathroom-gown was big and comfortable but it wasn't a suitable attire for his tour to come. A castle. He was going to see a real castle. Like the ones he had marveled at on pictures and movies. It's not like he hadn't visited any fortresses in Japan. The country wasn't exactly void of historical monuments. But the feeling they gave off was entirely different. This would be the real thing. Mostly because it was foreign and unexplored and seemed magical and distant. Especially for those possessing a bit of willfulness and imagination. And Takaba had loads of both. His merry eyes sparkled when he imagined the rows of knights in shining armor, the towers, the dungeons, the catapults ... He was grinning like a five-year old with a lollypop when he imagined himself loading one.

When Akihito realized he was putting on his shorts from the wrong side he decided it was time to sit down and take a breath. All the excitement was part of his defense mechanism and when the tension was finally wearing off and the facts were slowly sinking in consequently – his head was starting to spin. Takaba crashed down on the carpet floor and leaned his heavy shoulders on the big bed. Gosh what an eventful morning. And he hadn't even had a decent breakfast yet ... except for some stinking lemons. Stinking? 'Didn't you like lemons before?' He winced. 'Who cares! I definitely hate them now.' And no, he wasn't being childish. He almost stuck his tongue out at his own arguing self.

He could hear the running water in the bathroom. The blond had already taken a quick shower. The moment he had heard the magical words castle and out, he hadn't wasted a second. Hearing the soft chuckled from behind when he had rushed for the bathroom had definitely not make him run faster with a heavy blush. No. Definitely not. It also didn't have anything to do with the frenzy he had apparently been in afterwards. Thanks to that he couldn't even remember what shampoo he had used. His damp hair now smelled funny ... of some citrus fruit. It wasn't bad but ... ohhh **** ... 'What the hell am I even thinking?' His brain was yet again trying to think of anything and everything besides what had happened a while ago.

- "A couple!" He whispered the scalding word. It was ... it was one word and yet there was so much to take. Just chanting it in his head was freaking him out of his bloody senses but he didn't regret taking that step. Asami was a huge part of his life from a very long time. Even if he had avoided admitting it it was a fact. Having a word to name that big fact was quite a something. "Well nothing's really changed!" He tried to reassure himself by bringing some of the stability from the good old days. "What good old days?" There hasn't been one stable thing to begin with.

Little droplets of water rolled down his bared chest and he realized he was damping the sheets with his still wet hair. Right now he didn't really care much. It would be dry in minutes. It was the middle of July, the sun was blistering the earth, the air sizzled with heat and those little droplets could have been sweat for as much as he knew.

The silence that downed in the apartment was suddenly deafening. The ring of water from the bathroom could no longer be heard. He had to hurry up and get dressed. Going out right now sounded like the best way to leave things settle down on their own. Thinking too hard had never been his thing and he truly doubted he'd come up with some ingenious idea of how to deal better with his freaked out self. He'd just have to freak out himself to insensibility. With his madly throbbing heart it didn't seem like such an impossible task.

He slowly stood up and took a look at the clothes that were scattered all over the floor. He had just been ramming through them without actually knowing what he was looking for or that he was even looking for something. He realized that he was still holding some shorts that he had previously tried to put on. Oh ... these shorts. They weren't anything that different from his usually dress-down code except that they were white and quite tight. They were light and silky though, and perfect for the torturing summer heat. He knew that he'd inevitably get them dirty, that's why he didn't wear much white usually. But who cared ... they were just shorts. He slid into them remembering that they were even shorter than his usual ones and then just grabbed a simple yellowish vest. He made a little pile of the scattered clothes and shoved them in his bag pack. A little black box fell out. Takaba's eyes widened and he blushed a lovely pink by the sight of it. "Well ... if not now then when?" His trembling fingers reached for it. Five minutes later and he was pacing the balcony waiting.

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