Chapter 20

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~ Chapter 20 ~

Day fourth ... London ... a late afternoon and a bored Japanese.

Takaba puffed a huff of jaded air. He was chewing something that looked like a patty and tasted nothing like it. It was good though. Another bite and he could feel like his limbs were taking the form of the curved lounge under him. It was comfortable all right ... enjoying the view and the breeze on the flowered balcony. It was so clean and so chic that he couldn't entirely get rid of the feeling that he was so out of place basking in such luxury. Reminding himself where he actually lived and how much he actually made a month was quite a slap to reality every time he thought of it.

And yet ... when Asami stood tall here ... doing nothing but being his arrogant self ... holding a glass of bourbon or lightening a cigarette ... Gods how much it suited him. This presence he always had, the air whispering – 'I own you and everything you can think of' – made you both angry and inevitably obedient. The blond had suffered its effect far too many times. He didn't like it but it was true and judging from the recent events he was into a truth-admitting stage ... as painful and humiliating as it was.

Takaba blinked and swallowed hard. Wait a minute! The said man was just gone from a couple of hours. The blond was finally ... FINALLY ... alone ... having some time for himself. Some time to regenerate ... mentally ... and ... he was already blushing ... physically. After what had happened that night, after what had happened yesterday morning ... he needed this time. Time alone with his thoughts ... with his cursing, struggling young self. So why was he thinking about the nerve-wracking yakuza again?

'Shit!' He sat up and took an empty look of the green fields under the terrace. Now ... when he was alone ... when he wasn't flushed and hyperventilating the events from the previous days seemed more that simply disturbing. He did not regret his actions. He made sure to be clear with himself about that. But it didn't change the fact that he felt restless and to his biggest distaste ... a bit scared. Ok ... not just a bit. It was so easy fighting back and shouting all the time ... and so hard lying awake and still into the arms of a man he had denied for years. This was no normal relationship where at this point the couple would finally admit their lovely feelings to each other.

'Feelings, huh?' The youngster grunted in his mind. No doubt there were such disturbing emotions in his heart. They were so strong, so powerful and so concussing that there was no way he hadn't noticed them lingering in the dark ... silent and non-existent at first glance but still there none the less. It was because of those feeling that he was scared.

First of all he and Asami were two men. Was he ready to live the best years of his life in a relationship where you couldn't even hold hands in public? 'Well not that I want us to.' Takaba scolded himself in his mind and the warm pink nestled firmly on his beautiful sides. Fine ... leave alone the men part. What about their status? They were like from two different worlds. Damn, they were from two different worlds. The boy groaned. What was he doing? He was actually considering a future together. 'A future damn it!' But once in a while he had to take a peek ahead. He couldn't always act on the spur of the moment and never try to predict even a step in his life. It was exactly because of that that Asami manipulated him so well! 'The pervert!' The man was definitely getting a piece of his mind when he returned from wherever he had rushed suddenly in the morning.

The moment the blond thought that he heard the front door slam open. Wait a minute! Slam? Since when did Asami slam doors? He jumped from his place brushing away the little crumbs on his mouth with the back of his hand and headed for the room. It was just on time to see Asami enter. Takaba froze on his place and for a moment all the thoughts that had swirled in his mind till just now vanished ... vanished replaced by pure ... fear.

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