Chapter 35

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Hello lovely people, can you imagine, it's an update O.o I certainly can't >.< First of all I want to wish you all the best for the new 2011 - lots of smiles, wishes come true and stormy love ... where would we be without it ^.^ It's still holidays after all so I decided miracles must still happen so it was about damn time for a new chapter. I've been writing this one for 4 months >.< I can't really call it a writer's block cus if i sit down i can write but I simply didn't feel like sitting. Don't expect this to change anytime soon but as I have already promised to ulla_britta I'll try and go for shorter but more frequent chapters. There aren't many left either way. The hard part is writing them :/ I went for the impossible again and decided to write from Asami's pov but he came on to me and who am I to deny him? All in all he's a crazy bastard and I'm scared of being in his head. Enough ramblings, it's not much but here it is anyways! Thank you for still being with me! I love you!!! (hug)
P.S. If you can please tell me what you think cus it's been such a long time that I don't really know if I'm on the right track anymore >.<

~ Chapter 35 ~

Smoke. Everywhere. It was like a satin thin veil that was gently laid all over the place. It swirled and wound around the furniture in a lazy dance. It was in no hurry after all as it perfectly dominated the space. Stubborn rays of light managed to fight their way in through some cleft in the tightly closed blinds. But they did not get far. The darkness and the smoke easily choked them and turned them into just another restless shadow.

- "Here, you deliver it." Hushed voices came from behind the heavy-closed door.
- "Why me? I don't have anything to do with that!"
- "You work here so you have something to do with that."
- "Yeah but I'm just a bodyguard, a bodyguard. You're the accountant. That's your job."
- "Yes. And my position is higher than yours so take it as in order – you TAKE it."
- "Don't shout! Damn it. Fine. I'll take it. If I get shot it's going on your conscience."
- "I'll live with it. Now go. Making him wait is even worse."

As if he cares about time these days. He can stay locked in there, doing nothing for hours. Sometimes I doubt he ever reads these. Izuma, the security guy on the floor, looked at the folders in his hand when he turned to acknowledge the door towards his boss's office. And yeah, behind it was the real boss, not the pussy accountant who dumped his own responsibilities on completely innocent and undeserving victims. It was the real boss who had been in such a bad mood lately that one murderous look from his intimidating black eyes sent better men into frenzy. And Izuma, for all his bravery for a military man was not that much of a better man and he knew it. It was humiliating but it was the truth. Izuma was only human after all. He had long since resigned himself to the fact that he worked for someone who apparently wasn't. Izuma wasn't a better man indeed, otherwise he wouldn't already be thinking for the small sweet vengeance he'd get on the poor bossy accountant that was now probably exhaling a relieved breath.

The guard sighed, prepared himself mentally and knocked twice. There was no response. He knocked again just to be on the safe side but didn't wait for an answer this time. He knew there wouldn't be one. So he took a deep breath and bravely marched in to halt after two long strides coughing. It took him a good couple of seconds to readjust his lungs to the new ... let's call it environment. For his boss's office was like another world. With all the smoke around it felt like he was smoking himself. Gosh, he was probably getting lung cancer by now. He wasn't immortal like some other individuals who dwelled in the vicinity. His eyes stung heavily and that wasn't helping him see through the darkness at all. Damn, he probably looked ridiculous – standing in the middle of the room, blinking like a newborn.

- "Boss?" He tried with a hoarse voice. "I have some papers for you."
- "Leave them on the bureau." Even though Izuma was expecting an answer he got startled out of his wits when the voice came low but clear from just behind him. With still squinting eyes the security man finally distinguished his boss's solid figure. Asami Ryuichi was sitting regally in a big armchair just behind the door. The cloud of smoke was even thicker around his intimidating form. A little fiery spot flared to life and disappeared next to his stern lips from the fuming cigar that hasn't seemed to leave them in quite a while. Izuma realized he was starring.
- "Right away." He bowed a little hastily. Thank God he knew the office by heart or he'd have tripled over something five times already and made even more of a complete idiot out of himself. Izuma knew his boss and his job well enough to know that nothing else was wanted or expected of him. Except to get his persona away from his employer's field of vision as fast as humanly possible. So he did just that. After a curt bow the heavy door closed silently behind his tense back and he sighed with evident relief.

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