Chapter 30

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It was ... It was ... What was it again? This feeling that had made him blank out and loose himself to infinity?

Takaba's blank mind stirred to a cool touch. Icy feathers touched his nude skin and he shivered lightly. Soft noises reached him from somewhere far away. No! They were closer. His glazed eyes, heavy and red slowly flickered open to a bright light. Cleared of all thoughts he just laid like that for who knows how much longer.

It turns it took the boy a full minute to process where and when and why was he where he was. He was lying in the bedroom in the already well known suite. The feel of the cool sheets was what he had registered first. They embraced him gently and they smelled ... fresh. Hmm last time he checked they were crumpled and soiled. He was apparently missing something but it was certainly not the divine way they wrapped around his naked flesh. The incredible desire to stretch lazily in them could not be overcome and Akihito purred like a content cat while wriggling in them. Cotton and silk. It was one hell of a feast to the senses. A feast he could hardly afford in his less than half of the size of this bed of his. A bed he couldn't bend his soul and say he missed because right now he sure as hell didn't. He nuzzled his face in the silky pillow and suddenly stilled. He had just realized something. He was very much alone.

The blond shot up on the bed. All the events from yesterday, last night and even partially from today flooded his head and he felt it spinning more or less from all of them than from the sudden motion. Wait a minute! Was it still today? He turned around to look through the window. The sun had started to reach down to the horizon. It was the late afternoon. He had practically slept off all his day. Except when we exclude his morning session in the bathtub. But who was counting something like this?!

The bathtub! Takaba fell on his back with a thud and grabbed the pillow shoving it over his face. What had that been all about? No! Forget even that! What about last night? Asami, the wretched bastard, had been like a beast. Biting, devouring, sucking, licking ... The boy's muffled squirm resounded in the room. Just the thought of all those sinful ministrations were making him short of breath. Or was it the pillow? And this morning, after he had been so tired and feeling quite abused, those dexterous fingers had stroked him, taunted him, lavished him, until his mind-blowing orgasm had even managed to shut off his brain. The very thought of those sinful lips latched on his sprained neck was enough to cover his body in traitorous tingles even now. His fingers ran over the fated spots and the angry skin there protested with a sting.

Akihito shot up again with a growl in his throat. His bright hair flew in all directions and his brow was tightened in a scowl. Apparently he had overheated because his defense mechanism had just turned on and his button had switched from embarrassingly mushy to angry, very angry. Well it's not like he didn't have anything to be angry about. On the contrary, he had plenty of things to fuss over.

Asami's bossy attitude was nothing new to him. That was true. It aggravated him to no end to admit it but he was kind of used to doing whatever the man had planned for him. Without actually wanting to of course but falling into the fiendish trap anyways. It was too often of an occurrence for his self-esteem to suffer from it any more but it didn't mean he couldn't at least emotionally rebel against it! And he was good with the emotional stuff damn it! The pillow flew towards and empty corner.
And yet, and yet last night had been different. It had been forceful and almost brutal. He was not used to simply being ****ed. Usually he was made love to. The choice of words made a heavy blush crawl up to his sides. He had never really realized before that this is how he thought of his coupling with the arrogant jerk. Yes he could never deny that it had always been pleasurable. If he tried to it would be like lying to himself in enviable new heights. And yes, the word was pleasurable. He'd never call it bone-melting, vehement, smoldering and soul wracking. No, no, definitely not ... ever. And that is why last night seemed somehow off in contrast to this morning when every caress was meant to please him. He reddened even more ... like usual.

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