Chapter 5

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~ Chapter 5 ~

The red down crawled through the round windows faster than usual. On the brilliant azure sky the scattered clouds looked like pillars of mist – soft and luminous. Little droplets of rime twinkled on the outside of the thick glass like little diamonds. The view up here was really something!

Takaba's eyelids fluttered softly and he slowly opened his eyes. Rays of red light reached his enlarged pupils and he closed them fast before opening them yet again. He sluggishly pushed up on his elbows and took a dizzy look around. He was sprawled on the settee ... Asami's top lightly covering him while his fingers were gripping the fluffy beige pillow that had previously decorating the corner of the luxurious furniture. The cabin was empty. The pile of documents and letters on the glass table was scattered even more than before. There was a glass of whiskey in the middle of the whole mess. The ice cubes in it had long gone melted. Someone had stayed up all night.

-    "It was about time! You not only act like a kid but you also sleep as such! Had a nice nap?" Asami gracefully entered the cabin from behind the velvety curtain. He was now rolling the sleeves of his shirt down while tossing an estimating look at the papers on the table. Apparently he wasn't actually waiting for an answer. His mind was already somewhere else. Takaba could see little trickles of water roll down the man's raven rocks. The top buttons of his shirt were unclasped and the skin on his sinewy neck glistened with moisture. He was apparently getting out of the restroom after a sleepless night. Takaba sharply averted his eyes after he realized he had been starring.
-    "Yeah! Yeah ... I did!"
-    "Mhhm!" Asami murmured more to himself than to the boy before he sunk in his chair and started arranging his improvised desk. The yellow letters to the left ... the price-lists to the right ... the ... "You should better go and wash yourself. We'll be landing in half an hour." He suddenly spoke without turning back ... his attention still focused on what went where!

Takaba hugged the pillow and curled deeper under Asami's coat while his eyes continued to follow the movements of the man. The familiar masculine scent was reaching his senses and he half-closed them. He felt so calm ... so blissful. But why? Last night Asami had had his way with him like always. They had played the game he always lost at but unlike any other time before ... he wasn't really mad about it. Was it because he had been the only one being pleasured? After all he did drift asleep right after that. For once he had only taken ... giving back nothing in return. Well a couple of gasps and pleading words weren't counted. He blushed lightly hiding his face under the cloth and continued with his thoughts. Actually ... somehow ... this was kind of a victory. 'For Gods sake ... what am I even thinking?' As if his encounters with Asami were some kind of a fight! In the beginning they most definitely were. This man had just rushed into his life and he had been forced to fight back with all he had. But what about now? It had already been more than two years. After all those days of quarrels and nights of passion ... really ... what kind of a relationship did they have now? Enemies? No! There was nothing that even connected their worlds and Takaba was not one to bear a grudge for long. Friends? He barely held himself from bursting in laughter. The very thought was ridiculous. 'Then ... what? Lovers?'

-    "Takaba?" Asami's call made the boy practically jump. He sat on his knees and turned to face the man with confused and somehow scared eyes. He was unconsciously holding his breath ... his mind lingering on a simple word. 'Lovers!' Asami looked at the boy with obvious curiosity. 'What the hell is wrong with him?' He bit back a smile at the sight of the totally perplexed youngster. Takaba never ceased to amuse him with his reactions always so full of emotion. "Nightmare?" He finally asked out of curiosity.
-    "Yeah! Definitely a nightmare!" The boy answered almost out of breath.

He tripped out of the settee with shaking legs and still somehow unseeing eyes ... and up he was running for the bathroom with all he had. Running to wash away the word that had just scared him shitless with its intensity.
London Airport! Wow! For Takaba's eyes it was probably as big as Narita's ... and may be even less modern ... but it was London! He just couldn't stop looking around with almost unblinking eyes. This was after all his very first time so far away from home. He had had a couple of trips to Hokkaido ... and even sailed to China once ... but this ... this was something he had never seen before.

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