Chapter 10

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~ Chapter 10 ~

'Heavy!' Takaba's sleeping mind registered but still couldn't do anything about the slightly suffocating feeling. Still acting subconsciously he tried to shift and when his nose hit warm skin his eyelashes finally flickered. He opened them slowly. The first thing he saw was a fawn spot resting in front of him. His slits shrunk and he dizzily tried to focus ... finally making out some lines. When he eventually distinguished what he was seeing it was his eyes turn to widen now. He was almost kissing Asami's broad backside. One of his hands went under the man's pillow ... from where the heavy feeling came ... and the other one was hugging him around the chest. Their legs were practically entwined and the boy found himself cuddling into Asami in a lavish embrace.

He was just about to frantically try and untangle himself when he noticed that the other man was still sleeping soundly. His nose was buried in Takaba's palm that stuck out from the other side of the pillow and his right hand fingers were entwined with the blondes. The last exhaled slowly and his shy eyes took a modest gaze at the sight in his hands. For a moment he wished that Asami could be that harmless all the time ... but then something in the back of his mind simply didn't agree with the idea. He spotted the clock that was showing 7.30 a.m. and yawned. His mind nagged him to untangle himself immediately and cover himself alone on the far end of the bed ... but ... it was so warm ... soft and comfortable. 'Just ... another five minutes!' He thought sleepily. Next thing he cuddled into the warm backside yet again and soft pink color spilled on his silky cheeks while he peacefully drifted back to sleep.

The warm rays of light that bore through the heavy velvety curtains falling down on the bedroom window managed to prompt the drowsy blonde back to life. He blinked a couple of times ... taking his time to comprehend the setting and when he finally felt strong enough he lifted up on his elbows and soon enough managed to sit up. He felt so sluggish that he just stayed like that for a while ... as if regenerating all the energy he had used for the simple action. After a couple of empty moments he felt brave enough to endeavor another bold attempt to fully wake up. It summed up in shifting a bit on his place and stretching with a yawn while curling his toes in the air. His flaccid body sprawled back on the bed and inevitably bumped into something. Takaba shot back up in sitting position and took a look of the 'thing' ... more precisely the one he had mistreated. The first thing he noticed of course was the toned body that was lying on its back right next to him. A silky light bronze sheet fit closely around the softly lifting chest, then went down and generously outlined the naked tight and finally wrapped up around the long slender legs. Disheveled inky locks of hair fell on porcelain skin and swayed lightly when soft gushes of breath reached them. One of Asami's hands was going under the boy's pillow and the dip in it showed that the blonde's head had just rested there minutes ago ... practically occupying the man's shoulder.

Suddenly Takaba found himself fully awake. He brusquely inverted his moist eyes from all the places he had just starred at. He sighed and started rubbing soothing circles on his throbbing forehead. Memories were finally coming back to him and alongside with them a terrible headache. After the fight he had had with the man last night he had soon enough drifted off to sleep. It had been a terribly long day. The little steaming session and the quarrel after that ... if it could even be called that way for it was only the boy who shouted all the time ... had finally taken the last of his remaining strength. Some dreadfully embarrassing moments were starting to come back to him and he felt uneasy sharing the same bed with this very person who was the cause for them. He hastily tossed his own sheet away ... trying to cover the naked parts of the man blissfully sleeping next to him ... while at the same time his eyes desperately fought not take stolen glimpses at those very same places. Next thing he rushed out of bed. He almost stumbled on the bare floor though when his own nudeness was revealed to the cool air of the room. His hands shot down in a desperate attempt to cover his nakedness but there was no way for them to cover him all. He shot a flushed ... fearful look towards the bed. He just needed to make sure that his little scene of embarrassment ... and bare ass ... hadn't been noticed. Fortunately for him Asami was still laying on his back the same way he left him ... his calm features not even twitching in what would have been a smirking expression by now if he had been awake and watching.

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