Chapter twenty six - Weekend Training

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Saturday morning Lilli was up early. She wanted to make breakfast for everybody. Jett didn't have to train early so she thought they could all have breakfast together, like normal people. As the smell of bacon, eggs and toast wafted through the house, the boys surfaced to the smell.

"That sure smells good Lilli" Aden said grabbing a coffee and heading to the table.

"I second that" said Jett, walking over to give Lilli a kiss.

"Well I thought it would be nice if we all had breakfast together. After the last few weeks I needed some normality" Lilli said.

They sat and ate. They talked about everything that had happened over the last few weeks. They joked and laughed with each other. They just felt like a normal family having breakfast together. It felt great to just be themselves and relaxed.

"I'll do the dishes if you guys want to get to the gym" Aden offered.

"Thanks Aden" they said in unison.

Jett and Lilli got changed and headed out the front door.

"I'll race you!" Lilli laughed and started running. Jett started to chase her. He didn't realise she could run that fast! He finally caught her at the last corner to the gym. When he got close enough he grabbed her around the waist and stopped her in her tracks. He kissed her hard and held her tight.

"Bout time you caught me" she laughed.

"Very funny Lilli" he said kissing her again.

They headed into the gym where Mike was standing behind the counter.

"Good morning Sunshine! And Lilli" Mike smiled.

"Good morning Mike" Lilli smiled.

"Can I trust you guys to lock up today? I have to go soon. I will give you instructions for training Jett. And Lilli make sure he doesn't slack off!" Mike grinned.

"You can rely on me Mike! Our boy is not going to be doing any slacking!" Lilli laughed.

"I knew I could count on you Lilli" Mike grinned.

"I am standing right here for fuck sake you two!" Jett snapped.

"Oh, well what are you doing standing there? Get to work Jett!" Lilli said smiling at Mike.

"Well I will close the gym and go. I will be back tomorrow for you Jett." Mike said and left.

"Well then let's get to work Jett" Lilli said.

She ran through attack and defense patterns with him. She was surprised at how much she had picked up from watching him. She matched him well enough to run through all his patterns. He also had some weights to do and some general sparring. Lilli stepped into the ring followed by Jett.

"OK Jett let's do this" she smiled shaping up to him.

"I don't know Lilli; I don't want to hurt you." Jett said.

"Just do it Jett!" Lilli said taking a swing at him.

"Are you sure Lilli?" Jett said blocking her.

"Bring it Jett!" she smiled taking another swing.

She continued attacking; Jett blocked everything she threw at him. Finally he grabbed her and they fell onto the floor. Jett rolled and pulled Lilli on top of him. They lay there looking into each other's eyes. Lilli leaned down and kissed him. They had not made love since the attack and Lilli felt it was time. She kissed him harder using her tongue to tease his, hoping to ignite the passion burning within Jett. She smiled as she felt him rising to the occasion.

"Lilli are you sure?" he said breathlessly.

"Oh yes Jett I am absolutely certain." She smiled.

That was all the encouragement he needed. He started removing her clothes, kissing her anywhere there was bare skin. Soon she was naked. He removed his pants revealing how much he wanted her too. He lay her on the floor of the ring and moved gently on top of her. He looked into her eyes to make sure she was really ready. She nodded and he entered her. Moving slowly and gently to start. He knew she would show him what she was ready for. He kissed her softly as he moved slowly in and out of her. He loved how it felt to be with her, and inside her.

"Jett" she whispered "thank you" she smiled.

Lili began moving her hips so he knew to increase the speed. He began to move harder and faster. She held him tight as they reached climax together.

"Oh Lilli you are amazing" Jett panted as he came inside her.

"I love you too Jett" Lilli said through heavy breaths.

He collapsed on the floor next to her. They lay naked next to each other for quite a while before Jett spoke.

"I really love you Lilli" he said. Lilli smiled.

"I guess that's training over for today!" she laughed.

They hit the showers together and then went home to chill out with Aden. Final training was tomorrow.

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