Chapter Twenty - Recovering

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Lilli spent the next few days in hospital. Saturday morning she was signing herself out of hospital when Aden and Jett arrived to pick her up.

"It's been nice and all, but I am glad to be going home to finish recovering" she said to the nurse.

"Just don't overdo it Lillianna and if you get dizzy spells, please come straight back" the nurse instructed her.

"We will make sure she behaves, and doesn't overdo it" Aden and Jett assured the nurse.

When they got home Jett and Aden helped Lilli get comfortable on the couch. They were driving her nuts! Fussing around her like she might break at any second! She was grateful that they wanted to look after her, but they needed to chill out.

"Guys I am fine you know" she said.

"We just want to make sure" Aden said "I have to go to work Lilli, but Jett will be here to take care of you" he added.

"I am in safe hands then" she smiled.

When Aden had gone to work, Lilli called Jett so they could talk.

"Jett can you come and sit with me? Please?" She asked.

"Is everything OK Lilli? Do you need anything?" he asked.

"I just need you Jett." She smiled.

"Is that a good idea Lilli?" he asked.

"It will help my recovery if you guys just treated me normally" she said grabbing his hand.

"It's hard Lilli when we feel so guilty. If we I had gone with you I could have stopped Bob from hurting you. I hate seeing you hurt." Jett said, the guilt and concern written all over his face.

"You don't have to feel guilty Jett. You did nothing wrong. It should have been an easy trip. No one could have predicted what Bob was going to do." She replied trying to reassure him.

Jett looked at Lilli's black eye and busted lips. He didn't want to know where the other bruises were. She was still beautiful he thought. She would always be beautiful in his eyes.

"So have you been training for next week?" she asked him.

"I have probably not been doing as much as I should have" he said.

With that she got up off the couch and ordered him to get on his feet.

"Let's go then!" she smiled. "See if you can keep up!" she added.

"I am not letting you run Lilli!" he said. She got ready and stood at the door.

"Come on lazy ass!" she teased.

"Are you sure Lilli?" he asked her. She slapped him on the ass and went out the front door heading towards the gym.

"I will slow down if I need to!" she said. With that he started jogging to catch up.

When they got to Mike's Gym, he was surprised to see them. He laughed as he heard Lilli teasing Jett.

"Well what do we have here?" Mike smiled.

"A slow ass fighter and his pushy girlfriend!" Lilli said smiling.

"Jett, I can't believe Lilli beat you here and she is still recovering!" Mike teased.

"Fuck off Mike!" Jett snapped.

"Does he tell you to fuck off Lilli?" Mike asked giving Lilli a wink.

"He wouldn't be game enough!" she laughed. Mike laughed too.

"You amaze me Lilli! Straight out of hospital and up Jett's ass and with a sense of humour too!" he smiled.

"No point sulking" she said

"Yeah Jett, no point sulking! Hit the bag with attack patterns!" Mike said.

While Jett took out his anger and frustrations out on the bag practicing his attack patterns Mike chatted with Lilli.

"So how do you really feel Lilli?" he asked.

"Obviously still sore and definitely angry but I am recovering" she replied.

"Jett has been blaming himself. He loves you Lilli. My boy has not been in love before." Mike said.

"I know he does, he was crying at the hospital with Aden when I came to. I have never seen Jett show emotions like that before." She said.

"How do you feel about Jett, if you don't mind me asking?" Mike asked.

"I love him too Mike" she said

"Thanks for getting him here" Mike said.

"I didn't give him much choice!" she laughed "It's for my recovery too Mike. I don't want to be housebound because then Bob wins" she added.

"You are a strong woman Lilli, I applaud you." Mike said, adding "Bob Skellington's days are numbered unless the police find him first."

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