Chapter twenty three - Second Round Knockout

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It was Wednesday already. Jett, Lilli and Aden headed to The Warehouse. They met Mike in the locker room. They followed the usual routine of Mike wrapping Jett's hands.

"Your opponent tonight is a good fighter Jett. Be on your guard. Remember what we did in training, especially the new blocking pattern. It should keep him at bay" Mike said.

"Good luck cous!" Aden said "I will wait ringside" he added.

"Thanks Aden, but I don't need luck!" he smirked.

"See you out there Jett!" Mike said also leaving to wait ringside.

"Are you coming out Lilli?" Jett asked.

"I'm sorry Jett, is it OK with you if I wait here? I don't think this guy will tap out tonight either. I just can't watch you knock them out." She said.

"You are right Lilli, at this stage of the championship they don't tap out." Jett said giving her a hug.

"Go get him Tiger!" she smiled and gave him a kiss for luck.

She watched Jett go through the doors and head to the ring. She hoped that he could win again. He had trained so hard to get this far. And for the first time he didn't need the money to pay his mother's drug dealers. It would be all his. She was determined to put her feelings aside by Monday. She had no doubt he would be in the championship fight. She wanted to be ringside for that fight. Maybe it would be easier after Bob faced court and she faces him for the first time.

As she sat on the bench in the locker room she heard the announcer introduce Jett to screams and cheering from the crowd. The next thing she heard was.


She paced the locker room listening to the crowd. It had been a long fight. Then finally she heard the crowd start to chant


The crowd chanted over and over. Lilli just hoped she was right and it was Jett doing the finishing and not the other way around. She would find out soon enough as she heard the announcer say.


After what seemed like an eternity Aden entered the locker room. His expression was blank. Then came Mike. He said nothing. Lilli looked between the two of them waiting for one of them to speak. Finally Jett came through the doors. He went to Lilli and hugged her.
"You won!" she said hugging him tight. She noticed him flinch.

"His opponent got in a couple of cheap shots Lilli, but he will be OK." Mike said.

"Congratulations Tiger!" she smiled. "And as for you two assholes you had me worried sick! Make no mistake I will get you both back for that!" she added smiling.

"I told you Mike!" Aden said.

"So I guess he didn't tap out?" Lilli asked.

"No Lilli he didn't. These rounds they generally don't" Jett replied.

"I understand Jett. I will be here Friday" she said.

"I know you will Lilli" he said

"Are you ready for tomorrow Lilli?" Mike asked.

"I have no choice but to be ready Mike." She replied.

"Aden and I will be there with you Lilli" Jett said.

"I will be there too Lilli" Mike said.

"Thanks all of you. I appreciate each and every one of you" Lilli smiled.

"Well I am going to watch the other rounds. I want an idea of who we will be up against Friday" Mike said.

"OK Mike, I will be at training early so I can be there for Lilli." Jett said.

Mike waved in agreeance as he went out of the locker room door.

"Let's go home guys. We have a big day tomorrow" Aden said.

"Good idea our Champion needs his rest!" Lilli said smiling.

The three of them laughed and Jett put his arm around Lilli. The three of them headed out of the locker rooms to Aden's car. As they got to Aden's car they saw someone approaching. It was Andy Rivers.

"Hey Lilli. How are you? I'm sorry about what happened" he said.

"Wow news travels fast" she said "I guess no-one knew what Bob was capable of" she added.

"If I'd have known I would have stepped in" Andy said.

"It's ok Andy, I don't hold it against you." She said.

"Do you mind if I come to support you in court tomorrow?" Andy asked.

"I would appreciate it Andy thanks" she said.

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