Chapter five - Meeting Jett

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When Lilli got home she was going to make some dinner for herself and Aden. She opened the front door and closed it behind her. Out of nowhere she felt a vice like grip around both of her wrists an he growled at herd was pushed up hard against the door.

"Please, please don't hurt me" she said. She was spun around to face the man holding her hard against the door.

"Who the fuck are you?" he growled at her.

Lilli eyed him cautiously. There was a lock of his dark hair draped across his dark brown eyes. He had a nasty scowl on his face, she was a little scared, but at the same time intrigued by him.

"I-I am Lilli. I live here" she said softly. "Who are you?" she asked politely.

"Aden's cousin Jett" he said finally releasing his grip on her wrists.

"It's nice to finally meet you." She said subconsciously rubbing her reddened wrists. "I was about to make dinner for Aden and myself, would you like some?" she asked.

"I'm not hungry" he said.

"Oh OK suit yourself" she said heading into the kitchen.

Lilli was eating her dinner when Aden came home. He grabbed a burger and sat with Lilli.

"These burgers are delicious Lilli" he said devouring it.

"Thanks Aden" she said. "I met Jett tonight" she added.

"You what?!" Aden said almost choking on his last bite of burger.

"He shoved me up against the door!" she laughed.

"In all fairness I thought you were breaking in" a raspy voice from behind them said.

"You really should rough up our roommate Jett!" Aden laughed "I haven't had a chance to let you know Lilli had moved in." he added apologetically.

"Now I know where the good food is from. I thought you just had a fuck buddy to cook for you" he said to Aden.

"I am nobody's fuck buddy Jett. And I am sitting right here." she snapped.

"Why don't you shower first Lilli?" Aden offered.

"Thanks. I think I will Aden." Lilli said.

"See you in the morning then" Aden replied.

'Really cousin, a girl?!" Jett said.

"She has been my best friend since we were kids" Aden said.

"Is this permanent?" he asked.

"Look Jett, Lilli is really lovely. She has lost her Dad and her home in the last week. She needed a break" Aden explained.

"So she is not paying rent?" Jett asked.

"Not at the moment. But as soon as she gets a job she will." He said.

"You sure you are not fucking her?" Jett asked.

"No I am definitely not" Aden replied.

While she showered Lilli thought about Jett. She thought about his dark brown eyes that seemed to look into her soul. She thought about how sexy they looked with the lock of his dark brown hair draped over them. He looked angry, but there were other emotions there as well. He was very strong too; she thought as she remembered how tight he gripped her wrists. At least the redness had gone. She had a day off uni tomorrow, so she decided she would follow him. She laid out her leggings and sports top ready for the morning. She wanted to know more about the elusive Jett Butler. Maybe she could join the local gym while she was out. She could go with Aden then.

She was stirring when she heard Jett's door open. She got dressed quickly, and waited until she heard the front door. She grabbed a bottle of water, put her headphones in and followed. She started to jog. She hadn't exercised in a while but it was OK, she didn't want to get too close. As she rounded the last corner to the gym she felt a vice like grip on her wrist again. Oh shit she thought.

"Why did you follow me?" Jett snapped.

"I-I didn't, I was going to check out the gym." She half lied.

"I don't believe you" he whispered in her ear. It sent shivers down her spine.

"Believe what you like Jett the world does not revolve around you" she snapped.

He looked at her stunned and released her wrist.

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