Chapter twenty two - Aftermath

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It was a quiet trip home from the fight. Lilli felt bad for taking the shine off Jett's win. She needed to talk to Jett about it so he didn't feel guilty. None of this was his fault. When they got inside Aden went to bed.

"Jett can we talk? Please?" Lilli asked.

"Sure Lilli. Do you want a beer?" he asked.

"Yes please" she smiled and sat on the couch to wait.

"What's up Lilli?" he asked passing her a beer.

"I am sorry I took the shine off your win tonight Jett" she started "I am so proud of you. You have worked so hard to get here" she added.

"You don't have to apologise Lilli" he said taking a mouthful of beer.

"I guess I shouldn't come to your other fights?" she asked.

"I would really like you there, but if you are not comfortable I will understand" he replied.

"Maybe I could stay in the locker room?" she offered.

"I want you to do what makes you comfortable" he said.

Lilli sipped her beer and put the bottle on the table. She knelt between Jett's legs and looked up at him. He kissed her softly and she kissed him back. She tangled her fingers in his hair and kissed him harder. When she pulled back she saw the fire in his eyes that she loved.

"Can I sleep in bed with you tonight?" Lilli asked.

"Are you sure Lilli? If you are in my bed I don't know if I could just sleep" he smiled.

"I'm sure you can behave" she responded.

"Just don't blame me if something pokes you in the back!" He smiled.

Jett led Lilli by the hand to his room. He closed the door behind them and sat on his bed. Lilli sat next to him. She slipped into one of his t-shirts and lay down. Jett stripped to his boxers and lay behind her, wrapping his arms around her. He would never tire of feeling her warm, soft body lying next to him. He kissed her shoulder blade and she squeezed his hand tight. Then she lifted it to her mouth and kissed it.

"I love you Lilli" he whispered in her ear.

"I love you too Jett, so much" she replied softly.

They fell asleep quickly after that. It had been a very tiring day.

The next morning Aden was surprised to see Lilli and Jett in the kitchen. They were making breakfast together.

"Good morning lovebirds" Aden smirked.

"Jealous much?!" Lilli laughed.

"Touché" Aden smiled "Are you OK Lilli? You were very quiet after Jett's fight" he asked.

"I'm OK now. I just had flashbacks from when Bob knocked me out" she said.

"If you need to talk Lilli, I am always here" Aden said.

"I know thanks guys. I thought I was OK" she said.

"Things are bound to come up over time Lilli" Aden said.

"I guess so. I will feel better once Bob is in jail" she said.

"Won't we all" Jett and Aden said together.

"Will you come to my fights this week Lilli?" Jett asked.

"Of course I will. I'm just not sure if it will be ringside" she replied.

"That's fine Lilli as long as you are there" he said.

Jett wrapped his arms around her and Aden joined for a group hug. The three of them laughed and continued to make breakfast. Jett had training and Aden and Lilli had uni. It was Lilli's first day back after being attacked by Bob. She was really nervous, but she had to go back. She could not let Bob win by not living her life normally.

"Ready to go Lilli?" Aden asked.

"Ready as I will ever be" she replied.

They left home in Aden's car and headed to the uni. Lilli was glad she had Aden for support. She may not have been able to make it through the day without it. But she had made it through the day and to her that was a victory.

"Proud of you Lilli. You made it through the day" Aden smiled.

"Only because I had your support Aden" she replied hugging her friend.

"It's still a victory Lilli" Aden smiled.

Lilli's phone rang as they were walking  to the car. She didn't recognize the number.

"Hello" Lilli answered. She looked at Aden and mouthed "It's the police"

She hung up and looked at Aden, who was waiting to see what they had said.

"I have to go to court Thursday. They got Bob. They got him Aden." she said.

Aden hugged her and they headed home to tell Jett.

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