Chapter thirteen - Fight Training

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The next morning Jett got up to go training. He was surprised to see Lilli in the kitchen waiting for him.

"Do you mind if I jog with you today?" she asked.

"No I don't mind. Why don't you check out the gym while you are there?" he said.

"Would you mind if I did?" she asked.

"No I wouldn't mind at all." He replied.

They headed off and he was surprised how well she kept up with him. He couldn't help but glance across at her while they jogged. She looked so hot in her leggings and tight tank top. When they reached the gym she had a drink of water.

"Are you coming in?" he asked her.

"OK, only if you don't mind." She said.

He didn't notice Mike watching them. They went in and Jett introduced them.

"Mike this is our roommate Lilli, Lilli this is Mike my trainer." He said.

"Nice to meet you Mike" she smiled.

"Likewise Lilli that is a nice cut on your lip" Mike said.

"Actually Mike do you have self-defense training here?" she asked.

"Yes we do. Why don't you get Jett to help you out?" He asked.

"I don't want to bother Jett, he has his own training to do." She smiled.

"I could run you through some moves Lilli. Do you have time now?" Mike said.

"Yeah sure I have about half an hour. I have uni today" she said.

"Let me get his highness started and I will be back with you" Mike said.

Mike wrapped Jett's hands and got him started on weights. He then went back to Lilli and took her to the mats.

"So Lilli, why do you want to learn self-defense?" Mike asked.

"So assholes like Bob don't get the better of me again!" she said

"So a guy did this to you?" Mike asked.

"No not a guy an asshole!" she said. Jett was smirking. Mike laughed.

"OK, we will start with the basics and when you go I will work out a schedule for you to come by and train" Mike said.

"No worries Mike. I have the knee to the balls down pat already!" she smiled.

"OK then" Mike laughed.

He ran through basic defense moves with her. He was impressed at how quickly she picked them up. Jett was watching too. When it was time to go she flashed Jett a smile and with a cheeky wave said

"See you later Jett! Don't overwork yourself!!" she teased and left.

Jett watched her until she jogged around the first corner. She looked back and gave him another wave. He felt himself blush. Fuck this girl had a hold on him.

"Now I know what is up your ass Jett!" Mike said.

"What the fuck do you mean Mike?" Jett snapped.

"Lilli is fucking hot Jett! And that blush tells me you think she is hot too!" Mike teased.

"I did not fucking blush!" he snapped.

"What the fuck does she see in you?" Mike laughed.

"Probably nothing!" he said.

"Fuck me you really like her!" Mike said shocked.

"Now you sound like fucking Aden!" Jett said.

"There is nothing wrong with having feelings for a girl Jett" Mike said.

"By the way I knocked a guy out last night. I think I broke his jaw. Well I hope I did." Jett said matter of factly.

"Fuck Jett nobody saw you did they?"

"Only Lilli, the guy was attacking her" Jett explained.

"Why don't you ask her to watch your fight Monday night?"

"I don't need the distraction Mike." He said.

"Well you fight for her. Treat each opponent like her attacker." Mike said.

"If they all looked like that asshole I would tear them limb from limb" Jett replied.

"Well try it now. Practice your attacks on the bag and visualize the guys face." Mike said.

To both their surprise Jett's attack patterns were perfect. Even the new ones. He didn't make one mistake.

"Fucking awesome Jett!"

"I fucking did them perfect!" Jett said.

"OK practice defense patterns now then call it a day" Mike said.

"Sure thing" Jett replied

"What no argument! I must remember to thank Lilli next time she comes in." he said.

"Hardy fucking har" Jett said. "I haven't even kissed her yet!" he added.

"What the fuck Jett! Why not?" Mike asked.

"I don't know how. You know me Mike. I get laid. I don't kiss" he said.

"Man this girl has you by the nuts!" Mike laughed.

"No she doesn't! If she did I wouldn't need so many cold fucking showers!" Jett replied. Mike roared with laughter!

"Invite her to the fight Monday night. I will look after her. Then when you win kiss her!" he said.

"I will ask her OK" Jett sighed.

"Good now fucking train hard!" Mike said.

Jett trained like he had never trained before. He was going to fight the perfect fight. He jogged home and showered. He was hoping to see Lilli but her and Aden had already left. There was a note on his bedroom door.

"There is leftover omelette in the oven xx"

He smiled to himself and ate the omelette, it was delicious. He went to his room, put his headphones on and went to sleep.


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