Chapter twenty four - Court for Bob

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Lillianna entered the courthouse with Jett, Aden and Mike. As she got to the top of the stairs she saw Andy waiting with the police officers.

"Good morning Miss Roberts" The Officers said. Andy Rivers nodded to Lilli and her friends.

"Good morning Officers. How do you think it will go today?" she asked.

"Not sure. We hope he serves time. But you never know." They replied.

"I'm willing to speak on your behalf Lilli" Andy offered.

"Thanks Andy I appreciate that" Lilli replied.

Lilli, Jett, Aden, Mike and Andy followed the Police Officers into the courtroom. Jett sat next to Lilli holding her hand, and then Aden was on the other side of her. Mike sat next to Jett and Andy sat next to Aden. Then from a door at the side of the courtroom a Police Officer brought in Bob. He looked at Lilli and smiled and winked at her. Lilli felt Jett flinch and squeezed his hand.

The Judge entered and everyone stood until he was seated. When Bob was asked about his plea he said.

"I plead guilty to the battery. But I did not rape her. She wanted it. She has always wanted sex with me." He replied.

"Alright Mr. Skellington." The Judge said sternly.

Lilli squeezed Jett's hand again. She could feel the tension in his arms. She knew how Jett felt because she wanted to get up and punch his smug face herself. Because Bob had only pleaded guilty to the battery, the witnesses had to be called to make statements for the Judge. Lilli was surprised to even see the nice quiet man from the club. Hopefully the statements would be enough to get a custodial sentence. One by one witnesses were called to make statements for the Judge. Even Jett was called because he had been present when Bob attacked her the first time. Even the nice quiet man from the club testified on her behalf. Last to testify for the Judge was Lilli herself. She was nervous to say the least, but she had to get it done. The Judge seemed nice so she sat and took a deep breath waiting for the judge to ask questions.

"Good morning Miss Roberts" he said.

"Good morning Your Honour" she replied.

"Sorry you have to go through this." He said.

"I will be OK Your Honour." Lilli replied.

"Miss Roberts how do you know Mr. Skellington?" he asked.

"I met Mr. Skellington when I was a waitress at Mr River's Club Riders. I did my job, tolerated his comments and touches, ones that no-one should have to endure."

"Did you ever suggest to Mr. Skellington that you would enter into any kind of relationship with him?"

"No Your Honour I did not. Mr. Skellington was only ever a patron at the club nothing more. " Lilli replied.

"You lying bitch!" Bob yelled at her.

"Mr. Skellington! Another outburst like that and you will be out!" The Judge said.

"Sorry Miss Roberts can you continue?" The Judge asked.

"Yes Your Honour, I'm fine" she replied.

"Can you tell us what happened the night of the attack? As best as you can remember please?" the Judge asked.

"Yes your honour. I was delivering my work to the University. I don't know how Mr. Skellington even knew I was there." Lilli said "It wasn't until I was leaving that he approached me. He came from behind me. I knew the voice as soon as I heard it. When he grabbed my arms I tried to kick him in the balls, sorry your honour for the language. He dodged me and punched me in the mouth. He said he would fuck me and I managed to connect a punch to his face. He got angry and punched me harder that's when my vision started to blur. I started to lose consciousness and I could feel him removing my pants. I tried to get away and he slapped me again. As I blacked out I could feel him raping me." Lilli concluded, tears starting to build in her eyes.

"Thank you Miss Roberts, you did well."

"Mr. Skellington, due to the nature of your attack and overwhelming testimony from witnesses I have no choice but to find you guilty. You will serve 12 months imprisonment for your crime and during that time you will undergo rehabilitation."

"But Your Honour I didn't rape her. She wanted me." Bob yelled.

"Mr. Skellington that is quite enough." The Judge said.

Bob looked at Lilli as he was led away. He seethed with anger. Meeting her gaze he spat

"You're a slut. I should have killed you. You have ruined my life and I will find you when I get out"

Lilli held Jett tight. She could feel the tension in him. If she had let him go he would have killed bob. She was almost tempted to let him do it. Surrounded by her boyfriend and her friends, Lilli left the court feeling better. At least she wouldn't have to worry for at least 12 months.

"Well," Aden said "shall we all go out to celebrate?"

"I think that's a great idea!" Lilli replied.

So they all went to the bar to celebrate their victory over Bob.


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