Chapter eighteen - The return of Bob.

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After lunch Lilli went to her room to finish her drawing. She had to deliver it to the uni tonight for marking. Jett sat on the bed and watched as she drew. She was so talented. As she did the finishing touches, she stood back and looked at it. She could feel the tears stinging at the back of her eyes.

"Your Dad would be proud Lilli" Jett said. It was enough to make the tears flow.

"I miss him Jett" she sobbed. He held her and let her cry. Frankly because he didn't know what else to do to comfort her. As they stood there Aden came in. He saw Lilli's drawing and understood the tears.

"It's amazing Lilli" he said.

"Thanks Aden. I need to take it to the uni after dinner" she said.

"Why don't we go out for dinner?" Jett said. Aden was stunned.

"Yeah then you can still drop the drawing off after dinner" Aden said.

"OK if it will make you two happy" she smiled.

They didn't realise they were being watched as they ate. When they finished their pizza they went back to Aden's car. Lilli grabbed her drawing from the car and said.

"You guys might as well head home. I will walk from here. It's not far to the uni, and then I will get a cab home."

"Are you sure Lilli?" they both asked.

"I will be fine" she smiled. She hugged Aden. Jett gave her a kiss and squeezed her ass. She smiled.

It was true, it wasn't far to the uni. She made it there quickly. She handed in her drawing to her teacher for marking and left to call a cab.

"Well, well, well" a voice said behind her. She froze.

"What do you want from me" she said as she turned to face Bob.

"I want you sexy tits" he said grabbing her arms. She tried to kick him in the nuts but this time he expected it and dodged her. He backhanded her across the mouth.

"Fuck you Bob!" she shouted.

"Yes, tonight you will fuck me" he seethed.

"Like hell!" she spat. She managed to punch him in the face.

"You little bitch!" Bob yelled and punched her hard. She knew she was in trouble when her vision went blurry. As she started to lose consciousness she could feel Bob removing her pants. She used every ounce of strength she could muster to try to move away from him. He slapped her again. She could fight no more and the last thing she remembers was feeling Bob inside her as everything went black.

Aden and Jett were watching TV. Lilli still was not back.

"She should be back by now" Jett said.

"Yes definitely" Aden said looking at the clock.

There was a knock at the door. They smiled at each other thinking Lilli had forgotten her keys. Jett got up and answered the door. It was two police officers.

"Are you Aden Butler?" they asked.

"No, I am his cousin Jett Butler" he replied.

"I am Aden Butler" Aden said stepping forward.

"Do you know a Lillianna Roberts?" they asked.

"Yes I do. Is she OK?" Aden asked

"She is unconscious in the hospital. She was attacked outside the university." They said.

"Jett we have to go" Aden said. Jett already had the car keys.

""Do you know who may have attacked Miss Roberts?" they asked.

"Bob Skellington" Jett said "he has attacked her before" he added.

"Thank you for your help" the officers said and left.

Aden and Jett took off for the hospital. Aden had never seen Jett look so worried. He had every reason to be. They walked into Lilli's hospital room. She looked like she had been hit by a bus.

Fight for Me - The story of Lillianna & JettTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang