"Had the other pack members find as much as they could about bloodhounds – I'd say we've got nothing but rumors unless we count meeting Ignus himself," Katherine explained.

"So, nothing useful..." Lucien trailed off and I watched as Lana gripped Xander's hand.

"How's the wound?" I asked and Xander shrugged.

"Healing, though much slower than usual-"

"Side-effect of a bloodhound?" Desmond asked.

Definitely. Ignus said and I sighed.

"Yes," I confirmed and all eyes fell on me.

"I met with Ignus yesterday, Lucien saw me – and no, I did not have permission to do so – but I had no other choice," I explained with a sigh. "I'll tell you as much as I can." I looked to Lucien who nodded in response.

"According to Ignus, most bloodhounds are under one major 'pack' if you will," I explained. "Ignus said he only recently got away from that pack – but the truth to that statement is up to you all to discern."

"Well... we can always take caution," Katherine said with a shrug. I smiled briefly at her, earning a wink before I continued.

"Bloodhounds are harder to track – no matter what werewolf you use. If they leave a trail for werewolves, most of them do it on purpose," I said and I saw Desmond grimace. Katherine immediately put her hand on his and squeezed it.

"So how exactly do we prepare for them then?" Lucien asked.

"You use one of them," I said with a sigh. "Of course since we don't exactly know what the goal of both Ignus and the other 'enemy' is, we-"

"We blindly have to trust one to get possible false information about the other," Desmond said with an exasperated sigh. I took a breath and paused for a few moments.

"Not exactly." Desmond raised an eyebrow.

"From what Ignus has told me... it seems that I'm not exactly a werewolf-"

"We've already discussed this, you're human, no problem-" Katherine began but I shook my head.

"According to Ignus, I'm a bloodhound. And the only thing I can find that confirms this suspicion is my dad's actions towards Zaina and my situation – although he warned me about Ignus – he can't currently speak to me."

"But I can get that to happen," Lucien said, nodding his head.

"...Hold on, you can't possibly be a bloodhound," Katherine began.

"Yeah," Lana agreed and I smiled in response.

"When I was younger, the only member of my pack that I could link with was my dad. According to Ignus, bloodhounds don't breed werewolves – if I'm one of them I can help track... thing is, Ignus would have to teach me how to better do that," I explained.

"But you haven't shown any signs of... well, bloodlust," Desmond said.

"Apparently it doesn't happen to most... but the first taste of it can have its... negative side effects," I said with a sigh. "But I don't need to intake blood to get the most out of my abilities."

"And what abilities would that be?"

"I can track them – if you let Ignus teach me," I said, looking to Lucien for his approval before gauging everyone else's reactions.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Desmond said.

"He could be using you," Katherine added and I shook my head.

Crave Me [EDITING and ON HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now