Dark Japan x Reader ~Secrets~

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Seconds later he is standing next to the teacher's desk while Mr. Honda paces around right beside him and explains:

"Pressure points are places where nerves and blood vessels lie close to the surface of the body. It's where a human is most vulnerable so this is used as an advantage in material arts and self-defense. Of course, you could always kick your attacker in the groin, but..."

He pauses in front of the shivering teen to press two fingers in the crook of his neck making the victim flinch.

"...it would be best to do something they wouldn't expect", he continues, his face unemotional as ever.

Silence consumes the class as you are all transfixed by the sight before you. Mr. Honda circles around Lillien, occasionally jabbing his fingers somewhere while he keeps on talking.

The entire thing is wrong. You know that a teacher shouldn't do such a thing to a student, but you can't help but think that he deserves it. That it is some sort of karma for his bullying even if what is happening to him is harmless in comparison what he did to you.

In the end, the boy is lying on the floor, skin pale as snow and wheezing as if he has just run a marathon. The smaller adult, satisfied with his work, turns to the class to announce:

"There is a reason why at first we bore you revising theories and so on for months at this school before you are allowed to do anything. It is near impossible to do anything in praxis if you haven't learned how the body functions beforehand. That is why ..."

Your focus shifts to Oscar who has managed to pull himself up and is now leaning against the table, a loathing look on his face and his dark bangs hangs loosely over his eyes. You watch in shock as he picks up a book, lifts it high over his head with the intention of slamming it down on his head.

But it never comes so far.

The Asian whirls around before the bully can carry out his plan, hitting him with a flat hand in the face. A crack can be heard as your foe's nose break.

The man hisses in disgust at his pupil's behaviour: "Never do something dishonorable like that again. Only cowards and criminals play dirty like that."

Before another word can be spoken the bell rings, signaling the end of the day. Everybody scurries around to pack their things to then flee the school like rats would leave a sinking ship.

On our way home you let the unusual events of today run through head. The more you think about it the more it puzzles you. What could have made the professor's mood take a turn for the worst? As far as you know he would always brush of even the crudest remarks of the pupils.

Before you know it you're already at home. As you dig around for the keys to your apartment you come to the conclusion that you shouldn't stress yourself with such irrelevant things.

Upon entering you lock the door behind you and run around the small flat to make sure that all the curtains are closed. The reason for your paranoia is that you believe that you have a stalker.

At times you swear that you are being watched and once or twice you even saw a mop of dark hair duck out of sight when you looked over your shoulder while going down the street.

Combined with the stress of having a bully, dealing with a stalker to has bestowed you with many sleepless nights. At least you feel some sense of security when you lock the doors and close the curtains.

Sadness wells up in you for the umtenth time today and after having to pent it up for so long you can no longer fight the tears back. What should you do? You are alone in this flat, in this city, in this world. All you want is a light to guide you out of the darkness.

The Monsters in us all ( Dark!/Yandere! Hetalia x Reader )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon