{Chapter Fifteen}

Start from the beginning


Blue hummed as he and Fell were at OuterTale with the help of Core. Yep, Core Frisk helped them, though Blue may or may not kill them because they are useful to go to one place to another. "We will need a medical person to help us tend our wounds when we're hurt" Blue whisper to Fell, "Eh, I know of a guy that you know also Blue. He'll surely help us." Fell whisper back. Blue smiled widely, "Good! Hm..we should give him an outfit also!" Blue excitedly whisper.

"Huh, sure we can do that." Fell whisper back. "I looove this team already!!" Blue said not whispering since they were far from monsters. "Heh of course you do, dear." Fell said.

Blue gently held Fell's hand, "Oh Fell, why are you so great!?" He question looking at Fell. " I Dunno Dear." Fell said truthfully.


"So, You like him and dunno how to confess?" Outer said sitting down next to Error."YeP." Error said sighing softly. "Hm..who else knows about your Crush?" Outer ask as he looks at Error. "InK aNd YOu. THAt's It." Outer nods, "Ah okay. Anyways I'm gonna go and hang out with the kid."

"I Bet yOu lIKe tHeM."

"E-eh no!! I like someone else."

"wHaTeVer, anYwaYs I nEed to hEad baCk, See yA lAtEr O."

"Yea yea whatever." Outer said


Blue backed away as blood fell down his cheek, he growled softly as he held the knife and quickly pinned Frisk against the wall. They screamed to help but for no avail since Blue had covered their mouth. Fell was keeping a looked out for anyone.

Frisk struggles as they tried to kick Blue, but failed as Blue's strength was too strong for them. Blue stabbed them close to their soul or say heart, their eyes widen as the knife was deep in them. Blue soon pulled it out and was about to stab Frisk once again but, "Reverse. Outer is coming." Fell called out as he walked towards Blue.

Blue cursed softly, "Okay, let's go than." He said as both Fell and Blue left not leaving any trail of their belongings or if they were there. Outer hummed as he called out for Frisk, since the kiddo wasn't anywhere in sight.


"Kiddo where are you?"

He turn into the Ally way of a place. "Ki- OH MY GOD Frisk? Frisk please please stay with me! Frisssk!!!" Outer said as he quickly went to Frisk side. As he tried to heal them though Frisk knew it was the end for them. Mortals can't live forever, Outer knew that. Though Frisk do care about Outer very much, heck even Error, Outer's brother, everyone.

They sigh softly as they felt their life leaving out of their body. Slowly but surely.


Blue and Fell manage to head back to Blue's place safely. "Huh they didn't do much damage to you dear." Fell said as he clean off the blood from Blue."I'm fine besides it was just their defense kicking in." Blue said as he grabbed Fell's hand. Fell looks at Blue for a bit before getting the bandages, "Do you think that stab you did will do it?" He question Blue.

"Of course it will! I poisoned my knife before we went up to them! If the stab didn't work, the poison will do the job. " Blue said letting Fell bandage his arm." Huh okay..so after that, Outer will call Ink, and we'll pretend to be visiting them and when we notice a dead Frisk. We pretend to be sad?" Fell question.

"Mhm! Or...we should stay back because it be strange and suspicious if we knew Frisk died. " Blue said wincing in some pain as Fell tighten the bandage. "Sorry dear." Fell said noticing he had tighten the bandage a bit too tight. "It's fine."

"Also that idea of holding back seems wise to do for now." Fell said as he stood up to put the equipment away. Blue soon whined, "my outfit is a bit bloooooddddyyyyyyyyyy!!!" He said. "Go change to your regular clothes than, and I'll put the clothes to the laundry. Simple like that Blue." Fell said.

Blue sigh as he left to change in his room, Fell took his time to clean his hands and the knife used. Blue soon came out with a too big shirt and cute shorts on. He place his outfit on the couch before walking to Fell. "What chu doing?" He ask. "Cleaning the knife you used." Fell replied as he finish cleaning the knife.

He gave the knife to Blue who went to hide it. Fell went to grab the outfit and he went to change out of the outfit he was wearing. He laid down on Blue's bed, "I wanna sleep..." He said. Blue soon laid on top of him, "Nu, you shall not sleep Felly!!" Blue excalimed, just than his phone beeped.

Blue check his phone and it was Outer. Blue got off of Fell and sat down on the side of the bed, Fell was peeking over Blue's shoulder. " Outer?" He question which Blue hummed.

OuterTale Outer Sansy: ...Blue..my friend...something bad happened today.

Blue and Fell shared glances as Blue texted back.

Blue: what happened?

OuterTale Outer Sansy: ....Frisk...they... They died.

Blue: OH!? They died!????? How????

OuterTale Outer Sansy: A...Knife Stab I Think...Alphys is checking on what type of Knife, and if it really was a knife that killed them.

Blue: Oh..Who else knows what Happened to Frisk?...

OuterTale Outer Sansy: so far Alphys, Paps, You, Ink, Error, and myself.

Blue: Also Fell...

OuterTale Outer Sansy: Why Fell?

Blue: He's looking over my shoulder.

OuterTale Outer Sansy: oh... anyways I need to go. Alphys need me.

Blue: Okie! Hopefully everything will turn well soon!!

OuterTale Outer Sansy: hopefully...

Blue smiles softly as he leaned back against Fell. Fell sigh, "Did you really needed to tell him I was looking at your phone?" He question softly. "Mhm.." Blue hummed as he sat facing Fell, "I'm..getting a bit sleepy.." he said. Fell nods as he got off the bed and made Blue lay down. "Sleep than, I won't mind it. Besides you need your rest, the attack Frisk did was enough to lower at least a fourth of your health." Fell said. Blue yawns as he face Fell, "No..." He tiredly said.

After a while Blue passed out into a deep sleep as Fell went downstairs to watch TV.


"What what!? Someone...killed them? Alright I'm gonna go there. Wait for me ok Outer?"

"Okay Ink...I'm just...I'm just a bit scared now. What if...what if it's someone who hates me? Someone who wants my happiness to vanish?"

"That isn't impossible but it's unlikely though, I'm sure there's no one there who hate you."

"But...who would've done this?"

"I dunno, but it'll take some time before bringing Frisk back."

"Okay. "

"Also I'll keep an eye on ya, just in case if anything bad happens."

"Okay, thank you Ink for being so understanding."

"No problem Outer."

A/N: Done! I wonder what will happen!

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