The Terror of Cursed Girl part2

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Sorry for long waiting! I'm very busy.... Anyway, here's Part 2! Enjoy!

Marinette yawns as she stretched her arms out. She blinks softly and glanced at her clock. It reads 8:10 am. She sighed softly as she glanced back at sleeping Tikki. 'I wonder...' she nudged Tikki up. She blinks softly and looks at Marinette with groggy face. "Good morning..." she said as she stretched her nubs out. "Tikki? Can I talk you about my recent nightmare?" Marinette said with reclusive voice.
Tikki tided her head in confusion. "What's it?" Marinette sighed before began, "you see... in my nightmare, I was standing in white room, alone. Sooner I notice a figure in distance. Curiosity has got me so I walked toward the figure. As I get close to it, that figure is very black and it's head are bowed. I asked it and it looks up. It have those same eyes I had been seen. Glowing green eyes glared at me. It spoke to me, I get the impression of girl's voice. It, well she, told me that she knew me. She also told me that because of Ladybug's mistake, I will suffer from painful tortures. I don't understand what does she mean but she did said because of my- Ladybug's mistake." She finished explaining to Tikki, which she stays silent with expression showing stunned. "Tikki...what does she mean? What's a mistake she talk about?" Tikki shallows and shakes her head. "I can't tell you now. But..I do understand what does she mean..." Marinette nopdded softly. "I understand. I will wait for that answer but I still want to know sooner or later. Before it may gets worsened for me..." Tikki nodded.

Meanwhile at night . . .
Adrien sighed softly as he stared at the ceiling for while. For past few days, he noticed that his lady acted strangely as if something bothered her. He tried to ask her but she pushed him away. He sighed again as he rolled over to his side. Plagg's face saddens as he watched Adrien. It's been two weeks since Adrien and Marinette found out and close classmates learned their secrets, and already he noticed that Marinette is...distracted by something. Plagg have an idea why but he's afraid to tells Adrien about it. Today he would tell him. Plagg exhaled softly. "Kid..." Plagg called on him. "I don't have any more cheese for you." Plagg shook his head. "No, that's not what I wanted. I want to tell you something." Adrien lifted his head up. "What's it?" Plagg gulps. "I...I have an idea what's wrong with Marinette..." Adrien sits up quickly. "Really?!" Plagg nods softly. "I think... someone is terrorizing her..." silence hangs over them. Adrien blinks few times. Plagg flinched bit when Adrien half-yelled at him. "What?! Are you telling me that someone is terrorizing Marinette?!" Adrien said toward Plagg. He grimaced. "Yea...I should have noticed it before. But I didn't. Now I let it happen to her. It's my fault." Plagg said sadly. "I don't get it? How do you mean that?" Adrien asked. Plagg sighed softly. "I.. remember when the previous ladybug suddenly died from mysterious death. I don't know why or how but I did notice that Tikki know what's going on. I, of course, didn't think about it. I should have talked to Tikki about it. but I didn't...." Plagg bows his head. Adrien blinks softly. "I see... Do you think we should...?" Plagg nodded. "Whatever or whoever had terrorized Marinette, it clearly affects her badly. I want to help somehow..." Adrien nodded. He stood up. "Plagg, Claw out!"

Marinette laid on the bed, sleeping soundless. She whimpers and rolled over. In her dream, she finds herself alone in empty room again. She looks around for anyone/anything. She then sighed softly as she puts her hands on her face. "Hello." A voice called out, startled Marinette. She whips around and saw Ladybug stood before her. However, she looks different. She had usually red suit with black spot. But she have blond hair and bright blue eyes. She have a staff as weapon. Marinette stared at her blankly. "Who are you?" Marinette asked at Ladybug. She stared at her. "My name is Alice. Alice Smith. And I'm the reason why you're being terrorized by poor girl." Alice said with sad face. "Wha-?" Marinette said confused. "You see, I made a terrible mistake long time ago. I... Chat and I was fighting against akumaized villain. Chat was knocked out. She cornered me when I am edge of my defeat. I... I made a worst decision that would affect next Ladybug. I.. end up cursed her to be forever haunting and terrorized people. I would never thought that she decided to get her revenge by haunting and terrorized future Ladybugs. I'm sorry.." Marinette stared at her blankly. "...who is an akumaized villain? W-what's her name?" Alice bowed her head sadly. "I...I never find out about her name. I wish I knew her name but..I didn't. I have so much regrets.. she is my biggest regret ever. I..want to make up to her by lifting the curse. I decided to do it. Tikki agreed with me since she feels bad for poor girl. We...never got there though...since, she... you know. Killed me." Alive explain to her. Marinette looks at her then at the blank floor. "...How do I do that?" Marinette asked as she lift her head up. Alice looks at her surprised. "What?" "How do... I break this curse?" "O-oh.. you want to save her?" "Yes, it's your mistake. And I am going to fix your mistake." Marinette said determined. Alice stared at her before giggling. "Whosever is guardian of miraculous made a good decision. You're really fits into Ladybug's role well." Alice said softly as she glanced at her left. She looks back at her. "Tikki will tell you what to do. Tell her Ladybird told you. ...Thank you. Thank you for helping. Goodbye, Marinette Dupain-Cheng." "Bye, Alice Smith." Alice smiled at her with sadden smile before she faded away to nothing, left pink dust behind. Then the bright light shallows her up. Marinette gasps softly as she sits up quickly. She looks around her room before landing her eyes on sleeping Tikki. "Tikki." Marinette said. Tikki blinks softly as she groggily looks at Marinette. "Yes..?" "I have a dream again." Tikki stared at her. "What's it about?" She floated up to her. "...Ladybird told me." Tikki blinks in surprise. "...You talk to Alice?" "She told me...precisely everything." Tikki shallows and nodded softly. "I see. Well, alright." She exhale heavily. "Marinette... the way to break the curse is..." she gulps and floats to her ear, whispers something. Marinette looks at her shocked. "...what..?" She said with slightly shaken voice. Tikki frowns and nodded sharply. Marinette lets out a heavy sigh. "Fine..." Knock Tikki flew under the pillow as Marinette looks at the window. She saw Chat there. She stood up and walked toward the window. She opened it, invited him inside and sits down on the small desktop. "What are you doing here at this late?" "Funny, I was about to asking you same thing, purrincess." He smirks, gesturing toward her. Mari sighed softly. "...I can't sleep." She said as she looks down. Chat looks at her with worry pasted on his face. "What's wrong?" "...nightmares..." she muttered. " you want to talk about it?" Marinette can feel herself freezing up. She shakes her head. Chat grimaced. "Okay... let you know, I'm here for you, princess." Marinette smiled softly at him. "Thank you." She said softly. Chat grin at her. "Right, I should be going. Good night princess! ...I hope you slept well." He said as he leaps out the window. Marinette stands up and close the window. "...I'm so sorry, Chat..." she whispered to herself as she glanced at his figure jumped on building by building.

Two days later...
Two days. Two days since Marinette sudden vanished from sight. And it worries other greatly. Adrien sighed softly as he glanced at Alya talking frantically to Nino as he tried to calm her down. "But Nino! I hadn't seen or heard of her ever since! What if she-?!" "ALYA! Calm down! It's okay!" "NO IT'S NOT OKAY!" Alya screams at him. Her sudden screaming startled the rest of classmates. Few students stared at her. Chole speaks up first. "What are you screaming about?" Alya groans. "Marinette hadn't even been seen." She said sharply.
"Wait. She hasn't come to school lately?" Chloe said confused. "No. She's missing." Alya said with sad tone. Adrien expects Chole to said something snarky. But what she said next surprise him, Alya and Nino. "Gosh. I somewhat hope she's okay..." she said as she looks at her hands. "Since when you start to care about Marinette?" Alya retorted. Chole looks at her with shocked face then it changed to slightly embarrassed face. "I...I own to Marinette. That's all..." "oh really?" Alya said, raised her eyebrow. "W-well...! She had done something nice to me even after everything I had done to her. S-so...I just... own to her..." Chole stutters before muttered last sentence. Her cheek reddened as she fiddled with her fingers. "Well, alright. Where do you think she may be?" Nino said. "Class!" All students looks at the teacher. "Right now, I'm not going to teaching anything. So this class period would be free time. However, before I go to teacher meetings, do anyone knows this bag? I found it outside, near to the doorway." She said as she lifted a familiar pink purse. "That's Marinette's purse!" Alya yelled. "Oh okay. I'm leaving this here now. Be good." She puts the purse on the desk and leaves the class alone, closing the door behind her. Alya runs to the table and grab it up. "Why was it there? I'm sure that it's not there when we all entering." "Hello? Anyone? Open it up please!" A small voice piped up from the small purse. Most class makes a confused sounds as Alya opens the purse. A red bug flew up and floated around. Half of the class yelled in surprise and half of the class whoas at it. Sudden a black kitty flees out of Adrien's jacket and faced the red one. "Tikki! What are you doing here?" "Plagg..." Tikki said softly as Plagg began to flailing his nubs. "I'm very worried about you! Where's your miraculous holder?! What's happening?!" He yelps at her. Adrien stood up and runs to two Kwamii. "What's going on?!" Alya yells as Nino stared at them blankly. "Plagg? You know them?" "Y-yes, this is Tikki, Ladybug's kwamii." Plagg said hastily before he asked her again. Tikki gulps. "I...I'm sure that you are aware of.. the terror of the girl haunting Ladybug." "Yeah?" "Y-you see, there is a reason why. Why is Marinette suffering so much..."

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