Power cames with corruption Part 3

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Soon, Chat arrived to his window. He held Marinette while he fumbled with window lock. Finally he opened it and he entered his room. He walked toward his bed and put Marinette on the bed. He lets her go, told her "Marinette, I'll go ahead and showers but you have to stay here until I'm finished. Okay?" Chat transformed back to his civilian form. He walks to the bathroom.
Marinette stays silent for while. Tikki floats toward her. "Marinette? You okay?" Tikki wondered. Marinette nodded. "...you are trying to ignore the voices?" Tikki asked. Marinette nods three times before burrows her face into her hands, silently sobbing. Tikki sighed softly. She floats away from her and toward to the bathroom. She turned around and see Adrien are already done with his shower. Tikki floats to him as he puts his pajama clothes on. He looks up at Tikki. "What's it?" He asked her. Tikki slowly rubs her tiny left arm. "Marinette is crying again. It's because she's so tried of hearing voices." "Voices?" Plagg asked. "Yes. Voices. You know that she's slowly being corrupted by evilness that came with the power. That's how she's been corrupted slowly." Adrien nods solemnly. "Okay, I'll just go and try to calms her down." He gets up and walked out. He picked up some of his old shirts and pants from drawers. He carried them to Marinette. He puts them besides Marinette and sits beside her. He rubs her back slowly. Marinette whimpers softly. "Hey...Marinette, I got you some clothes so you can use it for pajamas." Marinette nods slowly and get the clothes. She gets up and walked to the bathroom. Adrien moved to his bed. He tided it up so Marinette would sleep with him comfortably.
Soon, Marinette comes out, wears a black shirt with green polka dots and red with black polka dots pants. Adrien moved out of the way, gesturing toward the bed. Marinette looks at him, sudden anxious about this. "I have a feeling that you probably won't sleep without my comfort." Adrien said as he blushes and looks away from her face. She said nothing but she crawled  and slipped into the covers. Adrien slipped with her and hugged her from behind. Marinette snuggled up with him. Soon she falls asleep on Adrien's chest. Adrien hugged her closer to him. He rested his head on above Marinette's head.

Morning has coming up

Adrien groans as his alarm clock rings loudly. He tapped the clock's button. He sighed and look at a sleeping Marinette. He tided his head a bit and moved a strand of hair out of her face. He continued stared at her sleeping face. 'God, she's really beautiful when she's sleeping.' Adrien thought as he smiles softly. Soon Marinette stirred and lets out some groans and moans. Marinette's eyes cracked open and look at Adrien sleepy. "Morning, princess." Adrien said as he smiles at her. Marinette still stared at him before she smiles a little. "Morning..." Marinette muttered softly. Adrien moved closer to her. "How do you feel now?" He asked her while he stroked her head. "Mmmm, I guess I'm feeling little better. But.." Marinette frowned as she looks around. "I still hear them." He sighed and gets up of the bed. "I'm going to get breakfast for us. Is that okay?" Marinette nods slowly. Adrien gets out the bed and walked out of his bedroom. Sooner, he returned with two plates with eggs and toasts with strawberry jam along orange juices  and can of honey with few biscuits. It also have few small cookies and cheeses. Tikki and Plagg comes out when they smelled their favorite foods. They gathered their foods and leaves two teenagers alone. Adrien places the tray careful and slipped into covers with Marinette. They began to digs in their breakfasts. Adrien sneaks a few glances at Marinette as they're eating. He noticed that she's not the same as last time he saw her after school. He was worried about that sudden change. He decided to ask her when she's finished eating.
Marinette has finally finished her breakfast. "Princess? Can I ask you something?" Adrien said to Marinette. She looks at him from her orange juice cup and nods. He inhaled and exhaled. "Are you really okay?" Adrien asked her. Marinette was stunned by that question. She stared at him. "I mean you acts different than last time I see you after school. Not counting last night. So anything wrong with you now?" Adrien said with anxious. Marinette shakes little. She bowed her head down. Now that's very concern to him. He looks at her with worries. She looks up, Adrien gasped. Her eyes are no longer blue but now they're deep pink with reddish tint and they're glowing. "TIKKI!" Adrien screamed to two Kawaiis. Both rushed to him. Tikki saw Marinette's eyes and yelps loudly. "Marinette!" She flew to her. "Oh no no no no no no! She's almost given in to evilness!" Tikki panicked. Adrien was shocked. "W-what should we do, Tikki?!" Plagg shouted. Tikki turned to Adrien. "Kiss her, Adrien!" Tikki said. "What?" "Just kiss her, I often have to kiss her on cheek, forehead and her eyelids to snap her out. But I don't think I can do it this time. Adrien! Just kiss her!" She says with panics. Adrien looks at Marinette. He grabbed her chin and kissed her on lips. For 2 minutes, Marinette's eyes slowly began clears up. Her eyes returned from deep reddish pink to soft shades of sky/sapphire blue. Adrien moved away from her; breaks the kiss. Marinette blinks slowly. "A-Adrien?" Marinette said. Adrien, Tikki and Plagg sighed in relief. Marinette looks at three and look down at her hands. "I-I almost did given in to evilness, didn't I?" Marinette said woefully. Adrien bowed his head low to meet Marinette's eyes. "Hey, don't worry. Lucky you that we're here for you." He said softly. Marinette looks at him and nods slowly. Adrien nods in confident that she's okay now. "Adrien? Did you kiss me on the lips?" She said sharply. Adrien moved little. "Yeah, Tikki told me that I should kiss you." She said nothing. Then she leans toward him. Adrien wasn't prepared for this. He stared at her surprised as she grew closer to his face. She stopped when she's a inch away from his face.

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