Black Ladybug

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(Warning! Mentions of abuses. If I had offended someone who has been abused, I'm so sorry. I know abuses isn't funny. But I'm not here to mocking you all abused victims, it was for the story's plot.)
Marinette was sitting on the school's rooftop. She sobbed silently to herself. 'How could she said that to me?' She thought as she sobs again.
Marinette was walking to her class. "Hey!" She heard someone called her. She turned around. She sighed deeply when she realized it's Chloe. "What do you want from me?" She said. Chloe scoffed. "Well, I just found out that you and Adrien are partners for dance. Why'd you have to partnered up with him? You are not good at everything. You're too clumsy." She remarked. Marinette bites back insults to Chloe and sighed deeply. "Whatever, you're just jealous of me because Adrien's not your partner." She said, smirking. Chloe's face was red with rage. "Yeah?! Well, it's not like that you were being abused by your father! Or you have experienced many near-death experiences." She said furiously. Marinette was stunned. "I....I were being abused by my biological father....and I do have experienced many near-death experiences, half of them are from my biological father....." Marinette said softly as her voice cracked up and she began to crying. Chloe stared at her shocked. "I...I...I-I-I-I-I-I......I'm so sorry....I didn't....I didn't know that! Marinette-!" She said but Marinette turns around and runs away from Chloe, sobbed into her hands.
Flashback End
Marinette sniffed and rubs her eyes. She began to crying again because she began to remember all her abuse times and when her biological father abused her. She buried her head on her laps. "Marinette?" She snapped up to see Adrien there. She buried her head on her laps again. "Go away..." She said rashly due from all crying. Adrien frowned at her. He walks toward her and sits with her. "What's wrong?" He asked her. Marinette sobbed again. Adrien jumps at this sound and pulls her up. She looks at him, tears streaming down her cheeks. She sobbed as Adrien's face changed to concerned. He hugged her quickly. Marinette continue to sobbed onto his shoulder. She began to calms down. She rashly told him about what Chloe says to her. Adrien was shocked when he found out that she indeed were abused by her biological father and she has many near-death experiences from her biological father. He then was furious at Chloe. 'Why the hell did she says that to her?! I bet that she didn't know that.' He sighed softly. He released her. "Hey, it's okay. I will tells teacher about this. And also I will tells Chloe about saying harmful but sensitive things to people." She nods slowly. Adrien gets up and went downstairs to his class. He looks back at Marinette but she's not following him. He gots worried and runs back to where Marinette is. He reached the rooftop and see Marinette there. "Marinette, aren't you coming with me?" She muttered something. He walked toward her and saw a purple butterfly mark on Marinette's face. 'No! She got akumaized!' He shook her shoulders. "Marinette!" He shouted at her. Sudden a purple butterfly mark 'cracked' and 'fading' in and out. Adrien was puzzled by this. Looks like she somehow broke the akuma. Adrien groans in frustration, wish that Ladybug was here. Sudden a red Kawaii floats up. He stared at it stunned. It looks at Marinette. "Marinette!" She said panicked. Plagg floats out of his shirt and went to red Kawaii. "Tikki? What's wrong with her? What upsets her to causes her gets akumaized?" He shrugged and turned to Tikki. "Tikki, can you please tell my lady to help me out? I think she somehow broke the akuma. I don't know how but the purple butterfly mark are cracked and fading in and out." Tikki looks at him. "Marinette is Ladybug. Anyway, had she experienced something bad?" He nods and told her. Tikki groans. "Oh, Marinette. Why didn't you tells me? I think I know how." "Really?! Tell me!" She sighed softly. "Because she's been abused, it creates a large negatively feeling inside her, it's more powerful then all akumas. So it sometime acted like a barrier to akuma but there's bad effects. She can absorbed much negative energies into her body like akumas negatively energies." Plagg turned to Tikki. "Wait, does this mean that every time Marinette as Ladybug purified the akuma, she absorbed its negatively energies whole time?" She nods. "Because you know, negatively energies don't just go away like that. They need a host to stored all these energies. So, Marinette stored lots of negatively energies but she didn't gets corrupted because she has a golden heart." Adrien was silent and look at Marinette. Tikki stared at him. "Adrien...since last few patrols, you did learned that she's in love with you." He sighed softly, nods slowly and look at Marinette. He muttered something before leans toward her. Tikki covered her mouth with her paws as she watched him leans closer to Marinette. Plagg chuckles softly as he watches. Adrien noted that Marinette's eyes are bleary now. He hovered near her lip. He began to hesitate and moved back from her. Tikki groans softly and pushed him back and onto her lips. Plagg bursts out laughing. Adrien was shocked and Marinette's eyes gets unbleary. She stared at him and blushes deeply scarlet when she realized that Adrien is kissing her. Marinette recoiled back from him. She blushes deeply. Adrien's face was red. "S-sorry, my lady. I have to do it because you're been akumaized." He rubs behind his head. Marinette muttered something and turned away. "Say what now?" Adrien said. "You found out it's me..." Marinette says. Adrien sighed, took her hand in his hands and brought it to his lips. She looks at him. He kissed her back of hand. She blushes slightly, takes it away from him and pushed him away, says stupid cat. Adrien chuckles, grabbed her hand and kept it close to his chest. "My lady, I don't care who you are as long as you don't care if I am Chat Noir or Adrien." She sighed and laughed bitterly. "Why the heck wouldn't I care about you? You're the one who sacrificed yourself for me, don't know how I feels about that action or even care enough to see that I'm very worried, upset and deeply concerned." She said bitterly. He was shocked by this standard fact. He looks down guiltily. "I'm sorry that I hurts your feelings and almost gives you a heart attack. I really am." She looks at him. She sighed softly. " time, don't...." She said as she looks away. He sighed. Sudden he realized something. "Wait! What about the akuma?" He turned to Tikki. "Don't worry about it. Remember what I told you? She must have absorbed it into her already by time she snapped out from akumaized trance." She said as Plagg looks at her. "Should we be worried about it? I mean she-" "no, Marinette is a fighter. She won't given in. I know that. Seriously, she does have a golden heart. She's a good soul that she don't get corrupted that easily." Tikki said back to Plagg. Adrien turned to Marinette. "Hey, want come with me to tells teacher what's happening to you?" Marinette nods slowly. Two Kawaiis returned to their hiding place. Both walked back to their class. The teacher looks up and see two teenagers. "Hey! Why are you late?" Adrien told her what's happening. The teacher is shocked and look at Marinette, saddened by her tragedy backstory. "I'm so sorry to hear that. I won't write you two as tardy. Now, go ahead and sits down your chair. Other have been left to hear the speech but I won't let you go to there. Right now, Marinette need some time." She said and went back to whatever she's doing. Adrien turned to Marinette. "Want me to sit with you?" He asked her. Marinette nods and smiles at him. He blushes slightly at her beautiful smile. They went to Adrien and Nino's desks. Both sits down together. Marinette suddenly leans onto Adrien's left shoulder and rest her head on it. He looks at her surprised. He then warped his arm around her and hold her close. After few minutes, the whole class has entered the classroom. Alya and Nino saw two teenagers sits together, cuddling. Other students was shocked by two teenagers. Teacher noticed Chloe and frowned deeply. "Chloe." She turned to the teacher. "Adrien told me what's happening. I'm not happy with your actions. It's not right to said some harmful but sensitive things to her. You could never know what's their backstories especially Marinette's backstory. I'm disappointed with you." Chloe looks down at her feet guiltily. She walked toward two teenagers. "Marinette....I am really sorry for saying sensitive things to you. I swear I didn't know that you did experienced them. I'm so sorry." Chloe said guiltily. Marinette sighed and look away from her. "Leave her be, I think she need some time to get over it." Adrien told her. Chloe nods slowly and leave them alone. "What? What's happening? What did we missed?" Nino asked the teacher. She sighed softly. "Far as I know that what I was about to told you are very sensitive topics for Marinette. Adrien told me that Chloe says that she's being abused by her father or experienced many near-death experiences. It did happen to her before." Alya looks at Marinette shocked. Marinette whimpers softly and Adrien pulls her closer to him, shushed her softly. "What? Tom abused Marinette?" Kim said loudly. "N-no." Marinette said cracked. Classmates looks at Marinette. "M-my biological father a-abused me w-when I a-am three years old. M-my mother has divorced with him and remarried to Tom. I'm five years old when she divorced with Ba...and I'm six years old when Mama remarried to Tom." She said as her voice cracked up. Adrien hugged her closer as she began to crying. All classmates feel guilty for her. They leaves them alone. Alya and Nino don't objects to the fact that Marinette and Adrien sits together and sits down together behind two teenagers. Marinette stopped crying but she still leaned on his shoulder and Adrien still holds her closer. Teacher started the class but she went easy on Marinette. Other don't care about it, they have a feeling that Marinette definitely need some time to get over her bad memories. Chloe didn't said anything, obviously feel guilty about Marinette. Soon it's lunch time and almost every students sits with her. Marinette feel like she's loved by everyone. She feels happy that everyone does care about her. She smiles brightly. Alya rambles to her, swore that she will be there for her whenever she's upset about something and she'll help her with her problems. Nino did sets up her favorite song, Shooting Stars. Everyone have talked to her a lot, told her about themselves. As for Adrien, all he does is sits closer to her and didn't leave her alone. Chloe did stays away from Marinette and Adrien, don't bother them. Sabina was with her, told her some good things to try cheers her up. Before lunchtime is over, Marinette went to Chloe. Chloe tensed up, prepared for something worse. But Marinette said she decided to forgive her; she understand that she didn't know about her and she forgives everything she said to her time ago. Chloe wasn't expecting her to forgiven her. She breaks down and cried into her as she hugged her. Chloe quickly calmed down and ask her if they can starts over again and being friends. Marinette agreed with her. Chloe feel relieved about that and promised for now, she would do nice things to everyone and tried to be a better person. Marinette smiles at her. They went to their class after lunchtime was over. For few classes, Adrien sits with her. Even he offered to walk her to home. She accepted it. They walked together to her house. Adrien asked her about herself and her personal life. She told him about herself and her personal life. Then Adrien told her about himself and his personal life. Soon they arrived at their house, Marinette asked him if he wants to join them for dinner. Adrien agreed with her as he pulls out his phone. He made a call while Marinette entered the bakery/apartment. Soon Adrien entered the building and see Sabine hugs Marinette tightly. She looks up and saw Adrien. She lets go of Marinette and rushed to him, hugged him tightly. Adrien was stunned by her hug. She gestured toward Tom, which he is stunned, and to Sabine. Adrien somewhat understood what is she saying. Sabine lets him go and look at him, smiles with tears streaming down. They accept that Adrien is staying over for dinner.
At dinner, Sabine began to tells her story about Marinette's biological father. (Marinette already eaten her dinner and left the room, won't listen to her mom's story)
My ex-husband's name is Fuang. I fell in love with him when he stood up for me at my workplace. We dated for two years and we got married. Of course We have Marinette. Now, Fuang is a successful businessman. But by when Marinette is two, my husband lost his job. He was desperate that he began to drinking. As I got a new job so I can support my family. But what my co-workers didn't know is that Fuang starts to abuses me and Marinette when she is three, my husband began to examines something with her. He began to use weapons to beats her. She was shots five times on chest, beaten to death, whipped nine times and she did get run over by my husband's car. By time Marinette is five, I have divorced from him. I took Marinette and we moved to Paris, French. I hope that new environment for Marinette would help her to forget about abuses and Fuang. It's working but she still didn't forgets him and abuses. She just don't talks about them or Fuang. And when Marinette and I was shopping, Marinette wandered off. I got worried about her, I went to look for her. I found her sitting on countertop, eating a croissant with Tom standing there, smiling at Marinette. Let's just say that is how I met Tom and fell in love with him.
Adrien was shocked to hear about Fuang, then smiled when Sabine talks about how she and Tom met. He got a call from his father. He picked up and learned that he can stay over at Marinette's house for two weeks because Gabriel have to go out of Paris for while. He asked Sabine and Tom if he can stays at their place for two weeks. They accepted him. But on one condition, he have to sleep with Marinette. He thought that Marinette would be embarrassed about sleep with Adrien. But Marinette don't mind, added that "besides, it's really nice to have someone to sleep with because of..." She trails off and didn't say anything but Adrien understand what's she tried to say. Afterward, they're sitting on the bed, talking about random things and in their pajamas. Adrien began to stared at her and she stared back. He slowly leans toward her. She held her breath as he grew closer and closer. He is an inch away from Marinette's lips and he puts his hand on her cheek. She blushes slightly. Adrien didn't moved to her as he waited for her. She exhaled and close the gap between them. They began to making out on her bed. They lean backward to her bed. Adrien hovers top of her as she laid at bottom with him above of her. They continue to kissing. After while, they heard knocks and Sabine chimed that it's time to go bed. They breaks up their kiss. Adrien looks at Marinette while panting hard. Marinette pants heavily. Adrien began to wrapped his arms around her body. Marinette pulls the blanket over them and hugged him back. Plagg , curled up with Tikki, notice that they're fast asleep and turned off the lamp then went to sleep with Tikki.

(...*stared at how many words in story* *read 2700s words* holy shit. That's lots of words. That have to be my longer story ever! Fuck, I'm shocked. Hopefully you like it!)

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