Undetale AU MLB: I'm so sorry...Chat...

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Marinette no longer believes in you.

Chat/Adrien vs Monster! Marinette/Ladybug

Chat stared at his dusty claws, grumbles about have to killing all Akuma's minions. He groans as he spots another monster coming his way. He stood up as he looked at...his menu? He checked out his level, LV. 19, then he glanced at his dusty hands. He turned around to face the monster. His face changed from unamused to surprise when he saw Marinette as Monster because of Akuma. Her skull head hung low so he can't see her eye sockets. She wear a large jacket with a symbol of wolf.

Hey there....

Chat gulps as Marinette looks up. He stared at her with disbelief when he saw her empty eyes. She sighed softly as she glanced at her left before speaking again.

You know what? I always thought you can do it even without Ladybug. I did believe in you, Chat. But...

She trembled as Chat stared at her.

You...you kills them all. All poor citizens...all citizens who are turned into monsters like me. You wasn't supposed to do that. You're supposed to save them, not kill them.

Marinette shakes her head as she looks at her shoes. Chat gulps nervously when she say that. Chat began to explain himself when Marinette shot her head up. He was shocked when she was crying sky blue like tears.

I...I actually believe in you, I believe that you can do anything, with or without Ladybug. But what did you do? You kill those innocent civilians. Why?!

Marinette asks with loud voice. Chat stared at her with saddens face.

You....I can't.........................
Chat...No...Adrien....I did believe in you but...Now?

Mari closed her eyes as she sighed softly. She opened them again, her left eye flared up with sky blue aura.

I would say that this will get really interesting...If Sarah was here, she would find this....

She paused for awhile before saying that stunned Chat.


Chat covered his eyes when a sudden bright light flashes at him. He lowered his dusty hands to see what's it. He looks at Marinette, shocked when they're in battleground already. Marinette looks incredibly sad. Her right eye are halfway close, creates a sad face. But her left eye, still flared up with aura, stared at him with intensive anger and intensive sadness. Tears slide down on her 'bone cheeks.' She lets out ragged and heavy breathes as she stared at him. Two large cow and wolf hybrid skulls floating by her both sides. Chat stared at two skull blasters with panic.

...I'm so sorry....Chat....

Chat looks at message board front of him when it pops up. Chat can feel his heart in his throat when he reads the message; Marinette no longer believes in you. Chat looks up on time when two blasters were blasting at him. He jumped out of the way. Chat exhaled as he stared at Marinette which just stood there like she's waiting for his attack. He gulps and closed his eyes as he leaps to slashes Marinette. Only, he fells on the ground. "Ormff!" He groans as he push himself up. He glanced at her as she stared at him.

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