Late Phone Call

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Based on the picture.

"AAAH-!" Marinette sits up quickly as she screams in fear. She pants heavily when she looks around wildly. 'Oh...I'm in my bedroom... it's okay, it's just a dream...' She glanced at the clock, see it's 3 am in morning. 'Yeah...just a dream...' Marinette thought as she recalled her nightmare. The sight of all of her friends and family dead, blood on her hands, bloody large kitchen knife and two pair green eyes glared at her eyes. She choked up as she began to crying. She fumbled around for her phone. Soon as she finds it, she whips it and clicks on her phone contacts; eyes blurred by her tears. She clicked on the phone number and puts it on her ear, sobbing heavily.



"Huh?" Adrien looks at his phone ringing. 'Who could call me at 3 am?' Adrien wonders as he picks it up and looks at phone number caller. '...Marinette?' He clicked it and put it on his ear. "Hello?"

Marinette sobbed loudly as she breathed raggedy. "Hello?" "A-Alya... I have a terrible dream..." "huh? What's happened?" "I...I..." She sobbed loudly as she stumbled over her words. Then she began to babbling about her terrible dream while crying hard.

Adrien grimaced as he listened Marinette's ranting about her nightmare. 'Oh boy. This is really scary for her. I would feel same way if I was in that situation as she was.' He kept listening on to her ranting.

"And that's when I woke up. I'm scared. I'm too scared." Marinette whimpers softly as she sobbed loudly. "It's okay. It's just a dream..." "...Wait...Alya? Why did you-?" Marinette said with confused until she looks at phone number. She blushed heavily. "OH MY GOD! Adrien! I'm so sorry for calling you at this late!" "Hehehe, It's okay. I can't sleep anyway." "S-still! I'm s-sorry..." Marinette's voice cracked up at the end, impressed that she's still upset and scared. "....Would it helps if we just talked?" "...Yes please." Marinette whimpers softly. "Okay. Um.. Did I tell you a funny story that happened when I was at photo-shooting?" "No? What funny story?" "Oh good, it's hilarious. You see, when I was...."

Few hours later...

"What? Really? Alya did that?!" Adrien said excitedly. "Yeah! She did! I just can't stop laughing, even after she left." "Hahahaha! Wish I was there!" "Ah...The sun is raising." "Oh... well. We are surely talking a lot, huh?" "Yeah... Adrien?" "Hmm?" "Thank you." "Anytime." "Okay, I'll hang up now. Bye, I love you!" "Bye, love you too!" Click. Adrien smiled at himself as he recalled the conversation with Marinette. 'Wait...' He blushed heavily when he realized what did he just say to Marinette. "Oooh my god..." he muttered as he lay down on the bed with his hands on his face.

"...." Marinette's face are red as she stared at her phone. "... Can't believe I did say that to Adrien." She said as she slowly puts her phone away. She sighed heavily. Soon, she smiled happily. "Still, Adrien didn't mind to talking with me because of my nightmare. It's nice of him to talk to me as if it helps me forget about my nightmare. ...Still, that nightmare...I kept seeing those nightmares for a week. What do it even mean? What would happen? ...Will I get akumaized? No, I won't. I don't want to murder my friends and family. I don't want to murder Alya, Nino, Nathanael, Lila... Adrien... I don't want..." Marinette's body began to shakes in fear. She shakes her head. "No. I won't." She said determined but afraid. She swipes her legs to side of her bed and jump off. "Better get ready." She said as she walked toward to the dresser.

At school...

Marinette looks at her hands as she was sitting. "Hey girl!" She looks up to see Alya waving at her. She bounced to her. "How's you doing?" Alya asked. "A-Alya..." she whispered softly as tears swells up. "W-wha?! Marinette? What's wrong?" She scooted on the seat and placed her right hand on her back. Marinette shallows and exhale shakily. "I...I-I...I have a nightmare last night..." "again?" "Yes." "Seriously?! What is it about this time?" "..." Marinette inhale and exhale shakily before she broke down and crying softly. Alya was freaking out when she suddenly started to crying. She pulls her and pat her back. Marinette choked up as she sobbed onto Alta's chest. "I-I'm sorry..." "no no no no. It's okay. It must be really scary to you, huh?" Marinette nodded softly. "What's happened in it?" "I...murdered everyone..." "even me?" *Nod* "Nino?" *Nod* "Even Adrien?!" *Nod* "Everyone in our class?!" *Nod nod* "Holy sh-... Marinette, it's okay. It's clearly just a dream. You're not going to kill all of us. I know you won't, despite on how badly you want to murder Chloe. You won't do that." Marinette moves away from her and smiled at her softly. "Thanks, Alya..." "you do knew that you can call me anytime if you have a nightmare again." "I know. I accidentally called Adrien instead." "What. What did he said? What did he do?! What's his response?!" "He don't mind. I guess he was just listening patiently because I was clearly meant to call you, Alya. He didn't irrupted me. By when I realized that I was called a wrong number, he said it's fine. He can't sleep anyway. I guess he must heard my broken voice when I was trying to apologize to him because he ask me if I want to talking about something. It does help a lot." "Awe! Mari! How nice! I'm happy for you!" "Heh." She laughed as she wiped her tears away. Alya hugs her again. "I'm sorry to hear that you have a nightmare again." Marinette nodded softly. "Good morning!" "Morning." Alya said as Nino and Adrien greeted them. Marinette smiled at Adrien happily. He smiled back.

"Well, fuck. Looks like she still don't understand why did she have so much nightmares this week. Oh well. She would understand when time had come. Mewhehehehe... Marinette, prepare yourself for the terror of darkness..."

To be continued...In the sequel to this, The Terror of a Cursed Girl. I would be away for while. If I come back to find messages that you want to see it. I would do it.

Write ya later.

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