Roles Switching

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(Warning! Tikki and Plagg switched their roles with Marinette and Adrien. So Tikki and Plagg are human beings. Marinette and Adrien are Kawaiis. (I call them Kawaii because I think that is what they're called. If I'm wrong, tell me.) Yes, I shipped Tikki and Plagg together. Fight me.)

Plagg groans loudly as he flopped on the bed. He brushed his black hair back. Adrien the yellow cat Kawaii stared at Plagg. He glanced at Adrien with his forest green eyes and sighed. He reached for the box besides the bed and pulls it up. He opened it and takes the croissant out. He gives it to him. He grabbed it and munched on it happily. Plagg puts the box back. He puts his tan hands on his face. Adrien finished his croissant and stared at Plagg. "Plagg? What's up with you?" He asked him. Plagg growls and peeks at Adrien. "Love problems, Adrien, love problems." Plagg said bitterly. Adrien blinks few times before laughing out loud. Plagg glared at him. He fell on the bed, laughed hard. Sudden a knock from the door alarms Plagg and Adrien (he stopped laughing when he heard a knock.) Adrien flew away to hide. "Uh, come in!" Plagg said. The door creaked open, Tikki's head poked out from behind of the door. Plagg sighed in relief. "Adrien! It's just Tikki." Adrien come out from his hiding place. Marinette the pink ladybug Kawaii flew out of Tikki's purse. Adrien immediately flew to Marinette, tackle hugs her. Marinette giggles at his actions as Adrien rubs his head against Marinette's cheek. Tikki giggles at two Kawaiis and puts her Asian hand to her mouth, tried to not laugh out loud. Plagg stared at Tikki, takes in her beautiful two long ponytails red hair. She stared at him and Plagg thought that Tikki's sky blue eyes are beautiful too. He didn't realize that he's staring at her until Tikki waved her hand front of him. Plagg blushes slightly when he realized that. Tikki giggles at him. Plagg growls softly and look away. Tikki stop giggles and frowned slightly at him. "What's wrong?" She asked. Plagg winced at this question. "Nothing is wrong." Plagg said sharply. Tikki frowned little more. Adrien sighed at his bitterness. Marinette looks concerned about him. Adrien whispers to Marinette and Marinette looks at Adrien. She whispers back to him, Adrien nods and smirks. Marinette smiles softly. Adrien immediate blushes deeply and looks away from her. Marinette giggles at his embarrassment. She leans over and kiss him on cheek. Adrien blushes deeply scarlet. Marinette smiles at him. Adrien grins widely. Tikki stared at him for few minutes. Plagg makes lower growls. Tikki sighed and straddle him on his lap. Plagg blushes deeply scarlet as she straddled him. Tikki stared at him intensity. Plagg still blushes deeply scarlet. He swore that he's looks like a tomato. Tikki leans toward a bit. Plagg sworn under his breath. Tikki sighed sadly and gets off him and move away from him. Plagg looks at her sadly. Marinette looks at Tikki then at Plagg. Adrien shook his head, disappointed in Plagg. Marinette looks at two over and over again. Sudden she got an idea and she whispered to Adrien about her plan. Adrien listen closely and smiles widely. He flew to elsewhere. Marinette looks at two teenagers. Adrien returned with a cheese and cookie. Marinette take cookie and throw it at Plagg. Adrien throw the cheese at Tikki. They flinched as they feel it. They took their cue and flee from them. Plagg stared at Tikki which she holds the cheese. Tikki looks up from cheese to Plagg. Plagg shallows and licks his lips. Tikki giggles softly and walked to him. She takes the cookie out of his hand and puts it in his hand. Plagg looks at cheese and chomped it. Tikki giggles at him as she nibbles on the cookie. They sits together on the bed. Marinette and Adrien peeks into the bedroom. Marinette puts her paws on her mouth, tries to not squeed. Adrien smiles at Plagg widely. Plagg sighed as Tikki done eating her cookie. Tikki turn around to Plagg's face. Marinette zoomed out and toward Tikki, pushed her into Plagg's mouth. Adrien does same thing to Plagg. Both flees from two teenagers. They blushes deeply. Plagg recoiled from her and look away from her, bashful. Tikki looks at Plagg and sighed softly and sadly. Tikki frowned sadly and turned away from him. Plagg looks back at her. He blushes deeply as he continues stared at her prefect neck. Plagg turn around and reached to her neck. He strokes behind her neck, makes Tikki blushes deeply scarlet. She made a small gasp. She struggled to not moans loudly at Plagg's touches on her neck. She began to shakes little. Plagg stopped strokes and pulls away. He groans softly. Tikki can't take it anymore. She turned around quickly and pulls him toward her, clashes their lips together. Plagg made a surprised sound. He relaxed and began to kiss back but Tikki pulls away and not look at him. He can see her reddened face. He sighed softly and pulls her chin up. Tikki was surprised by his action. He leans toward her and kiss her full on lips. She slowly closed her eyes and kiss him back. Plagg wrapped his arms around her waist. Tikki wrapped around his neck. They continue to kissing while Marinette was fangirling hard and Adrien held back his squeeing. Plagg began to strokes up and down behind her back. Tikki moaned quietly. She tangled her hands in Plagg's hair. Marinette continues fangirling hard. Adrien can't stop smiling. Plagg accidentally slipped his hand under her shirt, touched her bare skin. Tikki shivers at his touches. Plagg notices that and decided to teased her. He began to strokes her bare skin with his hand under her shirt. Tikki shivers again and moaned quietly, don't want Plagg heard her. He was disappointed that Tikki doesn't give him some good reactions. He decided to do something beyond him. He licks her mouth. Tikki gasps softly and Plagg slipped his tongue into her mouth. He explored her mouth with his tongue. Tikki moaned quietly and shivers once more. Tikki suddenly moaned loudly as Plagg sucks her tongue into his mouth. Plagg opened his eyes surprised by her moan. Tikki shivers violently as Plagg keep her tongue in his mouth. Plagg smirk sightly. He sucks it some more, makes Tikki moaned loudly more. She closed her eyes shut. She still shivers violently. They continue to making out for long time. Plagg finally released her tongue and breaks up to get air. Tikki buried her head on his neck, panting heavily. Plagg pants heavily too. Plagg looks at her again and kiss her deeply. Tikki moaned loudly as he kissed her deeply, but she's afraid of what would happening. Plagg strokes her bare skin some more as he kissed her. Tikki pushed him away. She pants heavily and look up to him, whimpers softly. Plagg realized what's up with her. "....sorry, my lady......" Plagg muttered to her. Tikki sighed softly and pulls him to her chest. Plagg was surprised by her actions but hugged her back. They hugged each other. Marinette and Adrien were smiling widely. They look at each other and kissed each other. Adrien began to rubs his head against her head. Marinette rubs back. They floats further from two teenagers and laid down on Adrien's small bed. They began to cuddle with each other. Tikki saw everything and smiles softly. She looks at Plagg when she feels him moving. He adjust his position to faced Tikki. He grins at her and pecks on her mouth. She smiles slightly and buried her head against his neck, hugged him tightly. He smiles at her and leans to her ear. "I love you, Tikki." He whispered to her ear. Tikki giggles softly. "I love you too, Plagg." She said softly. She sighed softly as she slowly falls asleep. Plagg made a frustration sound. Tikki looks at him. "Sorry...." Plagg said. "Plagg...seriously, what's wrong?" Tikki said slightly begged him. Plagg sighed in frustration and anger. "Nothing is wrong. I told you." He said bitterly. Tikki frowned deeply. She moved away from him. "Plagg, you're angry. I can tell that. But I don't know what angered you if you don't tell me." Plagg grumped and look away from her. Tikki sudden feels hurts from that expression. She can feel tears welling up within her eyes. She rolled over to her other side and silently sobbed to herself. Plagg realize that Tikki is quieter lately and turned around. He froze up when he heard a quietly sob. He sits up and saw that Tikki was silently sobbing to herself. Plagg suddenly feel guilty about hurting her feelings. "Hey.....Tikki...I'm so sorry for hurting you but it's just.....I have a problem right now and I don't want you involved in this shit." Plagg said. Tikki sniffles as she looks at him. She groans quietly and look away. She continued to sobbed quietly to herself. Plagg grimaced to her and he looks up at the ceiling, thinking deeply. He sighed softly and he looks at her. He leans over her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He pulls her up and grabbed her chin with his hand. He holds it up so he can look straight into Tikki. She was blushes deeply as her breathing got quickly as possible. Plagg stared into her beautiful sky blue eyes. He tided his head a bit and leans closer to her, kissed her. Tikki shivers slowly. She made a muffled whimper as she pushed him away violently. Plagg was stunned as Tikki began to crying front of him. Plagg frowned at her and he reached out to her. Tikki slap his hand away. She sobbed as she began to leave the bed. Plagg was shocked when she was leaving. He gridded his teeth and grabbed her arm. He pulled her over to him. Tikki yelped as she falls into his chest. Plagg hugged her closer and tightly, refused to let her go. Tikki struggle a bit before stumped onto his chest. Plagg dipped his head to her ear. He whispered to her, tells her. Tikki had shocked face. As Plagg finished, Tikki hugged him back. He said nothing. She sighed softly and nuzzles into his chest. Plagg blinks few times as he looks at her. He smiles softly and nuzzles into her hair. Tikki's breathing slowly down as she falls asleep slowly. She finally fall asleep on his chest as Plagg sighed softly. He falls asleep on Tikki's hair.

(Damn, I really like to write angst romantic. Well then. *shrug*
Oh! Yes, you know that I did takes requests. So if you have a request for me, tell me what do you want. Okay, write you later!)

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