Fish AU

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(I can't find better fish picture of MLB and I saw that. Sudden I got inspired to write Fish AU. Pfffft I am going to hate writing this.)

A reddish pink with blackish blue spots fish swims though the lonely area in sea. It swims for while as she turned a bit. She continued to swim aimlessly around the empty area. She sighed softly. "Gee, it's really so lonely here without any companions." She muttered as her two long 'antennas' winces, registered that somefish is here. She looks around for anyone. She turned around and around. She scratched her fin to her head. She turned around and saw a grinning black shark. She flails away from a black shark. It laughed at her. She groans and swims to a black shark. "What are you doing here for, Sarah?" She asks her, smirking at her. She laughed some more and puts her fin on a fish. "What? Can't I just see my fish friend? Come on, Marinette. Alya want us to live at the coral reef." She said. Marinette sighed. "Parade Rainbow Coral Reef? I want to, but you know we can't." Sarah grumbled and looks at plain rocks. "We can't lives in PRCR because it doesn't have our food to survived on." She growled. Marinette laughed. "Come on now. It doesn't mean that We can't visit other guys." She smirked at Marinette. "Well, come on! Alya, Nino, Chris, Lila and Adrien was waiting for us so they can go to see the rainbow event." Marinette sighed softly. She swims with Sarah toward the coral reefs. They arrived shortly. Sarah's skin has changed to deep black with reddish purple spatter-like marks. Marinette's scales has changed to deep red with black spots. They swims to a large cliff-like area. A purple and white striped fish saw them. She waved at them. A red and blue spotted fish saw them too. He called three fishes. A large orange, yellow, red and white shark swims up to bumps his head against her head. A yellowish orange shark-like fish smiles at him. A yellowish fish with black and green spattered-like marks swims toward Marinette. "Hey! Glad you came!" Adrien said happily. Marinette giggles. "Gee, girl. How come that your scale had to change colors every time you entered our place?" Alya shook her head. Marinette shrugs her fins. "I dunno why, must have do something with environments." Nino sighed. "Guys! It's starting!" Lila said. All fishes swims to school of fishes; full of many different fishes, different sharks, different other aquatic organisms. They look up to the surface of the sea. Soon a aquatic rainbow has appeared over them. All fishes cheered loudly. Sarah crackled up with Chris. Lila, Alya and Nino flails their fins in excitement. Adrien and Marinette bumps their tails against each other.
Soon, Marinette has to go back to her habitat with Sarah. "You guys could have lived here with us." Adrien muttered woeful. Sarah sighed. "You know why we can't." She said to Adrien. Alya brushed her  head to Marinette's head. "Please visits us again!" She nods to her. "We will!" She said. They swims away from the coral reef, returned to their rocky habitat.

(God! I sucked at writing fishes! This is horrible. I don't think I like it but yeah, this's funny to me. I can't even...anyway.
this is where I found the picture.)

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