twenty four #TheSilence

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-important, please read-

Before you begin, there's a couple of things I should put out there, hehe.

So this chapter is very, very important, like the turning point in the lives of these characters. THIS is the point of no-return I've been waiting to write. Nothing will be the same after this, and it's also where the really fun parts start *evil grin* Gentle reminder that no matter what you feel after you read this chapter, I want you to keep reading and not stop here, because the story definitely doesn't. There is a lot more to come that I want you to be here for.

This is the last of the hashtag chapters, too :D so I won't have to brainstorm for those after this. I've put in a lot of effort to build the story up to where it is right now, and comments are always appreciated, so please make sure to do a lot of those, especially by the end in shaa Allah. All the best!

Chapter 24 | Imprint

Sadness carried happiness with it, as if it were a comrade sadness would be nothing without

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Sadness carried happiness with it, as if it were a comrade sadness would be nothing without. Sadness often caught happiness peeking in around the corners, looking, staring, expecting for it to be embraced and welcomed. Happiness loomed around it like the sunshine behind a gray cloud-it could not be seen, it could not be felt, but it was there. There was happiness behind sadness, light after darkness, relief with hardship.

Even so, it ignited a feeling of reluctance in Mubaraka-what was there to celebrate and smile about when she couldn't walk for months upon months? What was there to be happy about when she would probably be held back from living her life to the fullest?

But there always was. Mubaraka saw it that day-the first few rays of it peeking out of the dark cloud, hesitant to step forth but its light blinding everything in its wake.

Wahdan's joy was tangible, felt in the atmosphere of the room. The love in his eyes for Vajeeha, the thrill of what was to come-it brought tears to Mubaraka's eyes that despite the horrors they'd all faced, there was still a lot to live for. That it would get better.

That despair would always be outweighed because it was weightless.

It had been impossible to, but weeks of intense physical therapy had made it possible for Mubaraka to be able to sit upright, albeit at a very low incline. The tearings over her face had already begun to fade into an array of dull scars, the rosiness returning to her cheeks and her smile retrieving the fervor it had always housed. Mubaraka wasn't anywhere close to being back to herself, but she had come a long way from where she'd started.

Love, MubarakaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя