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Two updates two days in a row, because I love you guys so much! I enjoy reading all of your lovely comments and predictions (some of you are definitely on to something, not saying who _ ) keep them coming, and happy reading! ❤️

Also, I don't know if I should be happy or angry that you guys missed a VERY vital clue in the last chapter

Chapter 04 | Dalliance

Mubaraka wrung her hands together and brought herself to breathe, her chest heaving up and down

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Mubaraka wrung her hands together and brought herself to breathe, her chest heaving up and down.

She had anticipated this moment for as long as she could remember; wide awake at night, staring up at the ceiling with a grin on her face, no traces of sleep in her being. She had squealed at the thought, put her hands on her flaming cheeks, and prayed with all of her heart, that someday the lines between her dreams and reality would be blurred.

She anxiously gazed down at the set of rings before her. She could roughly estimate her portfolio to be of around 35, considering she was big on jewelry, especially jewelry she could easily play around with. She picked up a silver-colored band that had already started to lose its shine, but it was inexpensive to begin with, so there was no surprise there.

She hurriedly pulled on two more rings, wrapped a scarf around her hair, and sprayed on some cologne. Only a little. Her eyes roved over her reflection in the mirror, and she smiled.

A knock sounded on the door, and Mubaraka had begun the process of cleaning up the mess of makeup supplies and glinting jewelry on her dressing table when Vajeeha stepped in.

"Ready?" She questioned.

"I'm nervous, Bhabhi," Mubaraka said, turning towards her sister in law.

Vajeeha squeezed her hand. "What do you have to be nervous about? He likes you!"

"I feel queasy."

"Believe me Mubaraka, my thoughts mirrored yours when I was seeing Wahdan for the first time. It's a completely normal thing to feel."

"Do you want to hear a story?" Vajeeha asked, and Mubaraka nodded.

Yup. That could serve as a good enough distraction from my impending doom.

"When I met Wahdan for the first time," Vajeeha begun narrating. "He was sipping chai, and as soon as I stepped into the room, he started coughing it out. It was so bad, I had to give him a spoon of cough syrup to get him to calm down."

"I didn't know that."

"He seemed to... recognize me somehow, but I couldn't place him."

Mubaraka smiled. "I'm surprised he hasn't brought up his favorite pencil with you yet."

Love, MubarakaWhere stories live. Discover now