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Chapter 05 | You Soften Me

It was quite the daunting task to believe that the once outspoken, confident, and reckless Saboor was sat hunched over on her bedroom floor, arms wrapped tightly around her legs, rocking back and forth in a relentless motion

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It was quite the daunting task to believe that the once outspoken, confident, and reckless Saboor was sat hunched over on her bedroom floor, arms wrapped tightly around her legs, rocking back and forth in a relentless motion.

Mubaraka observed her friend with a keen eye; she had never, in their three years of friendship, seen Saboor in such a shaken state, for the girl had always been the epitome of composed and often it was Mubaraka who looked up to Saboor in atrocious times and leaned on her for support. But to see the very same person lose their cool?

Well, only one person could get such a reaction out of her.

When Wahdan had dropped Mubaraka off at Saboor's house after Zuhr, for him and Vajeeha had to head to the airport for their flight, Saboor had been up and about. She'd been called to the firm she applied at and was picking out her outfit for the day. Mubaraka had left the room for just fifteen minutes and came back to very shocking news awaiting her.

Saboor's stance clearly indicated she could very well smash her phone into the wall, or better yet, set fire to it.

"I can't believe this," Saboor kept chanting over and over like a mantra. "I cannot believe this. The nerve of that girl."

Mubarak put a hand on Saboor's shoulder. "It's okay-"

"No, it isn't! It most definitely isn't! My life is at stake here, my entire career is about to go up in flames. I'm losing my mind. How exactly is it, pray tell, okay?!"

Saboor, remind me again why you went to law school and not drama school?

Mubaraka rolled her eyes, the corners of her lips twitching.

"No Mubaraka," Saboor turned to her, glaring at her with blazing eyes. "Do tell me how I am supposed to sit still like a perfect little Victorian doll and not freak out. Please, do enlighten me."

"Fatima could have been wrong, no? You know what a news channel she really is. And, let's not forget, she often confuses one thing for another."

Saboor eyed Mubaraka with uncertainty. "If she said Naail works at the same firm I told her about, how could she be lying?"

"Have you forgotten the unfortunate day when you told off a junior for bullying another junior in the college hallway, and Fatima was going around telling every second person you harassed two juniors?"

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