Chapter Twenty Six

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"FRANK!" Frank's mum ran out of the house to the cop car parked in front of her house.

"Mum!" Frank rushed and she greeted him with a bone-crushing hug.

"What is this all about, officer? Where has my son been all that time?" His father asked.

"Your son was kidnapped, sir. Got mixed up in a gang fight, brought unnecessary trouble." Gerard replied in a fake cop uniform.

"WHAT? What did you do?" Frank's mum interrogated him.

"And why did no one call us to bargain?" his father added, addressing the fake cop.

"Uhh, they didn't want money." Gerard racked his brain for ideas. "He witnessed a murder and they wanted him dead, good thing we arrived just on time, right?" he laughed nervously. Frank wanted to roll his eyes so hard, Gerard was fucking everything up.

"Then why didn't the station call to inform us that they've found him?" his father pressed on, he was hardly buying any of this shit.

"Paperwork." Gerard answered too quickly. "We were so deep down our necks in paperwork, thanks to your son we were able to bring in the whole gang and we didn't have time to call because of the... paperwork." He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Also he's basically an adult so, we thought it'd be fine."

"Whatever, I'm just glad you're back." His mother gushed, hugging him again.

"We got him down the station for testimony after we saved him, everything's all fine now. No need to worry or go there yourselves, seriously, don't go." Gerard stressed.

"Um, okay then? Thank you officer for your hard work." Frank's father shook his hand. "Don't you look a little too young to be an officer?" he narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"Yeah, I'm new." Gerard swallowed hard. "Plus, I got this whole baby face thing." He laughed nervously. For a practiced liar, he was screwing up royally, but he blamed it on the fact that he was very fucking nervous about meeting Frank's parents for the first time.

"Well, thank you again, I guess. Feel free to come by if you need anything, we'll be happy to help." His father finally let go of his hand and Gerard exhaled discreetly.

"Will do." He nodded curtly one last time before he shook Mrs.Iero's hand and got in the car stiffly. He turned a corner and disappeared; literally.

"Oh my God, what did you get yourself into?" his mother asked again as they made their way inside.

"Like he told you, I saw something I shouldn't have seen and someone didn't like that very much." Frank wasn't a better liar.

"Did they hurt you?" she was a stressed mess.

"No, I'm fine. Just a little dehydrated." That wasn't exactly a lie.

"Wait just one second, I'll bring water." His mother sprang off the couch and ran to the kitchen, Frank might actually pull that card more often in the future.

"That officer looks weird to you?" His father caught him off guard, he was still suspicious.

"Who? Oh yeah, that's the new trainee down the station. Officer Gerard, he's a little bit antisocial and awkward as fuck, but he's alright I guess. He's barely older than me, just give or take a couple of years." Frank rambled out everything they were supposed to say.

Give or take a couple hundred years Gerard's voice rang sarcastically in his head, correcting him.

"Uh-huh." His father decided to let it drop as his mother came back and handed him a bottle of water.

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